Is your globe showing a Mercator projection??

I am a frequent traveller and stuck using TripIt. It has an antiquated UI and is not well-supported. That said, the killer feature they have is email parsing. Instead of filling the endless field of a form to enter my airline ticket or hotel reservation, I just forward their the confirmation email, and in most cases, they parse it. This is the feature you should consider adding.

Another comment I have is that the product description on the web page is sparse, so I was hesitant to sign up. Maybe there should be an "About" section?

A modern TripIt replacement is overdue and I will be glad to try alternatives.

I love things like this. And it's impressive that you do surgery + travel + programming. I can hardly manage just the last one.

For launches like this, the blocker for me signing up is seeing an example of the UI. Productivity tools, especially ones for trip planning are so heavily design + vibes based that I'd need to see what it looks like before considering how it would be helpful for me. I think others might feel similar as well.

Congrats on the launch and good luck!

It's an interesting idea but why would I sign up and give you personal data without any idea of the site's features or UI?
This is really cool. Coincidentally I am currently in the process of building one myself (just for personal use), though mine has much less features than this one. I hope this I can take some inspiration from your site.

Some issues I faced after trying it out for few minutes:

- When creating itineraries, I filled in the country field, but upon pressing enter or the arrow button, it just disappeared?

- On the same text field, I'm on dark mode, but the color contrast is quite poor (can't read the placeholder text)

- When I'm on the per-day itinerary planning page, when entering the hh:mm field, it didn't move my focus to the next one (so if I want to enter 08:00, I have to enter "8" then <tab> then "8" then <tab> then "0" then <tab> then "0"

- After I entered the hh:mm and press the plus icon, I suppose we're supposed to enter the plans starting that time. So I enter some stuff to it, and upon pressing enter, it appears there. It's fine, but it feels like the UX would be better if the text box is autofocused again, so we can quickly enter several plans for that timing

- I'm confused with the "edit"/"editing" button, not sure what it does... but when the text goes to "editing", I can delete some items I guess?

Anyway that's all I have for now. Sorry for the long wall of text.


You might want to pick a backup domain name -- it seems possible .io could disappear in the next several years:
Experience is quite janky on mobile. Adding a new “task” and the UI elements disappear.

I’ll try again on desktop later.

Need to make demo/demo user whose password can’t be changed. I’m not watching video or signing up to see. I use spreadsheet right now for planning and it works well.
You have a "How can we improve?" button, but nothing happens when I click send – perhaps that's one thing you can improve? :)

My unsent feedback was:

I clicked on an itinerary on the home page, was asked to sign up/in, signed in with Google, and was taken to instead of the itinerary I had clicked on.

It would be good to be able to explore itineraries without having to sign up/in to see what the site is about, but if you're determined to get people to sign in, at least take them to where they wanted to go afterwards.

Nitpick: The spinning globe is painfully obviously a flat image. It's also spinning in the wrong direction ;)

> We now have a little one coming along and I can't wait to adventure as a family.

Just a note: Forget about it. When child is there, wife loses all interest in such activities. Been there, done that. I can aford holidays everywhere on earth ( ok maybe not Antarctis :) ), but no, missus stays home and asks that I just stay home ( we actually bought one ) with her and the kids. No holidays, just short trips outside city.