When it comes to sports/games competitions, at least from my point of view, after some point of optimization, it becomes obsessive and frankly boring. AI is not new in this regard, but it is another nail in the coffin of fun. For example:

1. The amount of training and overuse of the body required to break records now is insane, like trying to beat Usain Bolt's record (see his autobiography). Athletes have to work themselves sick, and to be honest it is disgusting.

2. Athletes push themselves with drugs because often there is no other way to get ahead.

3. Grandmaster-level chess now has become a little boring TBH, because computers have made it such that the best human players have to spend inordinate amount of time on memorization and intense analysis, whereas the chess of the past certainly did not have so much focus on memorization. Some, but not to the level of today. Even Bobby Fischer agrees, which is why he invented Fischer random chess.

4. Now, the use of AI just pushes human achievement more into the mechanical. Analysis will be done for everything and it will become a world competition for the best but the competition will be so extreme as to be unhealthy.

Hey, I admire human achievement but our desire to achieve functioned best in times of information scarcity. The level to which some people compete today is rather sickening and seems so obscure and irrelevant except to those who get caught in the obsession.

To me, this use of AI is horrific and completely against the ideal of the healthy human spirit. Damn AI.