Given the marketshare and their size they should go after Tyson for more than just price fixing. Food Security is a strategic national security issue.

According to a grocery store worker near me, more recently Tyson started entering into agreements for buying back rotten meat at fixed (but lowered) prices so the stores wouldn't have to discount the meat leading up to expiration. This was in response to asking about why the meat hasn't been going on sale at all.

Many desperate low-income people wait for the sales, then do a bunch of cooking. When the sales never happen they have to get food somehow. Economically the demand doesn't change, but because they have artificially constrained and reduced supply, they are making record profits very stupidly.

Food Security historically has been one of the top few driving forces in revolution.

Tyson needs to be broken up just like all other monopolies. Safeguarding national security is more important. The people involved in those decisions need to go to jail. No fine will be big enough.

If a company cooperates with others to manipulate a sale price, its price fixing. Be it algorithm, or other change in input, cost, or choice.

Worth clicking through to the actual filing where you can see the evidence McDonalds presents, which I personally find very compelling.

Also worth noting that assuming I'm reading this correctly it doesn't just impact McDonalds but everyone who has bought beef since 2015.

I do wonder at what point does McDonalds vertically integrate and process the beef themselves.

Tyson is one of biggest benefactors of prison labor
Laws that severely affect the poor and middle class have almost no effect on the wealthy, even though they are just as applicable. If I did what Tyson did by hiring illegal immigrants, I'd be facing years in jail. Tyson gets a slap on the wrist.
So this tells you a few things:

1. McD's will just blame the next guy, vilify them and pass blame. Please don't name me in a national scandal. 2. Tyson is just another slaver of ultra-processed foods doing everything bad they can in the name of profit. No wonder McD food sucks if that's the supplier, I've just not cared or actively supported or bought at McD's in 30 years.

I really don't get why people subject themselves to McD food.

Poor McDonald's, getting stomped on by someone else with power.

I kind of like that someone is doing to them what they did to customers re: shake machines.