I gave LFS a go earlier this year. I learned a lot through the process - but I definitely went outside the guardrails. I use NixOS as my daily driver and found myself curious of whether I could complete LFS using a "Nix" approach. I was only a basic Nix user at that time and that choice made a difficult process much more difficult. However, the declarative nature of Nix meant that I had clear notes of every step of my process - and if something didn't work, I could backtrack and troubleshoot to find the root of the cause. The end result is here [0].

My understanding of Linux, of bootstrapping, cross-compilation, and Nix has grown tremendously as a result of the time I took on this project - and I still go back and reference the work from time to time. When I get some time to revisit the Nix-based LFS project, there are quite a few things I would like to clean-up, including setting kernel configs and handling post-build permissions.

Nix-complexities aside, I highly recommend LFS if you like to understand how things work and don't mind a little suffering along the way.


Between LFS and Stage 1 and 2 Gentoo installs back in the early 2000s during High School, this gave me a big leg up in my journey of learning about computers and Linux. I can't thank those project maintainers enough for helping me get my footing at such a young age and peaking my interest in computing. I ended up printing out the LFS book in segments on one of the printers in High School and brought it home in pieces to use on the home computer.
I really like the idea, really tried following the process several times. But each time it just turned into a copy-incomprehensible-commands-into-the-terminal exercise at some point, and I lost motivation. Did anyone experience the same?
I did LFS after I started dailying gentoo with a custom kernel (~2017), it was actually fairly easy, if not time consuming. People on IRC are extremely helpful. These days I write code more than infra, but I still think it was valuable.

That combined with my general interest in Linux probably saved me thousands in cloud costs. Linux is a dying art among young software engineers, but alive among young nerds. Even among infra/devops people, maybe if they learned more about linux they wouldn't reach for k8s to solve the simplest problems.

Another project to check out if you enjoy LFS is buildroot.

Buildroot uses Kconfig (and associated tools like menuconfig, config, etc.) same as the kernel, to generate a configuration for building an embedded Linux system. This configuration can be committed and patched in the repo for your project. Adding an application or library automatically pulls in dependencies. Configs can be merged with fragments that add specific features.

Buildroot is capable of building its own cross compilation tool chain for many architectures, and enables developers to choose their own libc, and other toolchain configurations. It can also be configured to pull a prebuilt toolchain tarball to save time.

Packages are written in GNU Make, and macros are available for pulling code from GitHub and building packages using autoconf, cmake, meson, golang, Rust, python, and many more.

It works fantastically for anything from building an embedded Linux distro for something like digital signage, to a self-contained network bootable application for large scale automated provisioning of devices, to building minimal tarballs of filesystems to run as containers.

You could argue that running through the woods doesn't teach you about trees, but it's really effective when you bring a book along.

Linux From Scratch is a fun way to explore what parts make up a Linux distribution. I did this a few time long ago before switching to Gentoo and it really helped with appreciating the freedom to pick and choose details of your operating system without actually writing it from scratch.

This, and its no-longer-maintained cousin, Cross Linux from Scratch[1], were instrumental in learning how to bootstrap a custom Linux distro for embedded devices (especially the CLFS Embedded variant[2]) at a previous job.



What's the fun in this? I once looked into it briefly and it's what I guessed: mostly about building and installing the required software individually. That's boring, I guess the fun would be in building an actual usable distro "from scratch".
I wonder what an equivalent "BSD from scratch" is like? Linux was assembled from a collection of parts while BSD is (reputably) a lot more 'designed from the ground up' Even a modern system like Fuchsia - what's that like to build from the ground up?

Or is it "You fool! Building your own kitbashed Gundam of an OS is the point."

Building using LFS has been on my list of "I really should probably do that just to learn" for about 20 years now. I'll get around to it! This year I'm finally learning Lisp (and really enjoying it).
I wrote an (unreleased) Bash-based framework for Docker container- and exo-Docker VM-based LFS builds.

Dir listing:

Dockerfile (it's still missing throwing away intermediate layers b/c it's optimized for caching and dev speed):


    COPY files/bashrc /root/.bashrc
    COPY files/bash_profile /root/.bash_profile
    COPY --chmod=755 files/sysdiff /usr/bin/sysdiff
    WORKDIR /mnt/lfs
    COPY files/ files/
    COPY --chmod=755 files/run files/
    COPY scripts/0000-install-deps scripts/
    RUN files/run install 0000-install-deps
    # Docker host runs a memcache instance to cache build artifacts in RAM
    COPY scripts/0010-install-sccache scripts/
    COPY files/sccache-wrapper.c files/
    RUN files/run install 0010-install-sccache
    COPY scripts/1000-setup scripts/
    COPY files/hosts files/passwd files/group files/shells files/inputrc files/ files/ files/
    RUN files/run install 1000-setup
LFS has been a tremendous resource over the years for me. I'm happy it exists and that people put in the time to keep it going.

I often wonder why the existence of long "you also need to do this completely unintuitive thing first" documentation on the open internet isn't shaming more projects into reducing barriers to build their software.

This brings back memories. I built LFS on a Pentium based machine a few times and it was quite fun. I took a similar approach to building a custom bare metal system for a client that needed extra security. I sometimes wish that there was a well maintained bare bones distribution inspired by the LFS philosophy, that might help with managing complexity on the cloud. Scanning the thread, NixOS came up. I used to love Slack, too. Any other recommendations? Something with minimal dependencies yet capable of being a LAMP-like server?
For those that want to see full source bootstrapped, deterministic, and container native LFS check out
I did this, once, on a 386. Did I learn things? Definitely. Will I ever do it again? Definitely not ;)
This has been around for ages. I only read the contents briefly to know what the minimum components of Linux is, that too years ago. When you install any distro (even Debian) so much gets installed which newbies wouldn't even know exists or use.
Back in the day, I made an attempt at LFS but gave up halfway through. In my defense, I had done a gentoo stage 1 emerge earlier that year. ;-)

I never intended to end up with a usable system, I was just in it for the learning experience. And I did end up learning a lot.

How up to date is this?

When trying to learn by copy-pasting from the internet, I sometimes get tripped up over older/newer Linuxes using different versions of commands or best practices. (e.g. ipconfig vs. ifconfig, iptables vs. successors)

This brings back memories. I tried to do his (by using this exact site!) in college. Which, for reference, was 20ish years ago.

I wasn't able to get very far, mostly because I kept running into obscure compiler and linker errors and 18 year old me wasn't clear how to fix them. Would be fun to see how much is changed since then because it does appear to be at least partially maintained.

If you're curious, you should try it. It's a great way to learn about all of the little bits and pieces that go into a working OS that you can use, and by the time you're done you'll be more comfy thinking about Linux in general. It may take some time depending on how often you come back to it, but it's definitely worth it.
I went through this over a couple of weeks last year. Very fun, I would recommend it to anyone interested to see the complexity of making a linux distro.
I remember trying to automate non-distribution builds of a functional GNU/Linux operating system and trying to not read Linux from Scratch but just official documentation.[1]

Unfortunately, the state of Linux documentation is so poor, you can't do it. You need to reference a number of third-party articles that itself sometimes links you to.

I believe might also mention Linux from Scratch, but LFS does a very poor job of explaining why you need particular dependencies straight out of initramfs.

You need a functional shell, and you need to get your installation on to an actual drive. Neither of those things are explained in sufficient detail with the current documentation available today.

LFS at best says "throw in these ingredients," and leaves you with no other information. You can probably read man pages and piece this stuff together, but it requires that you, at the very least, hardcode where to install files with fsck/mount/cp, I think.

Edit: LFS also does a really poor job of explaining why it chooses its "Basic System Software," much of which isn't actually required for a common GNU/Linux system.


tried lfs back in high school really fun experience and teaches you a lot
Anyone else annoyed by “online books” sites like these where you have to play a convoluted game find-the-breadcrumbs from the website landing page to the beginning of the actual book content..
I have used CLFS (Cross-Linux From Scratch) in the past a couple of times to build a Linux system for Sun UltraSPARC and SGI Octane systems.

The things I learned, especially about cross-compiling, were invaluable, but you do have to invest some time understanding everything (even reading patches that you have to apply on top of build tools, for example) to get the most out of it. If you just copy/paste commands, well then there are faster/easier ways to get Linux up and running

Edit: I just noted that CLFS has been dead for a couple of years now, which is sad. I would have loved to try an updated CLFS

I have gone all the way through this, #21584. What a tremendous resource.
Ah yes, I remember the year I lost to this and the pain of cross compilation. Reader beware.
to anyone confused why others find this fun or worthwhile, i will quote brak's dad: "you just don't get it, das all"