The landscape is very crowded. For example, I've tried all of these:

- https://ui.shadcn.com/ *

- https://daisyui.com/

- https://www.ripple-ui.com/

- https://flowbite.com/

- https://tailblocks.cc/

- https://headlessui.com/

* Finally settled on this one because I can edit the components easily if needed. It's basically a code generator not a component library.

I'm already set on shadcn, but still have to ask what this one does better/different?

This looks really good and I especially like that you also thought about "Third party plugins" and included that in the docs. Being able to integrate both fullcalendar and a wysiwyg editor easily is definitely a headstart and something that is a point of friction with most of these component libraries!

I can't use it yet, since the docs are still missing the part about using this with svelte, but good to know you are working on that.

Tried to put it into my svelte project. Build failed. Went onto github to report it. A reproduction url is required ... so not submitting a bug ... and looking for something else to use ...
Isn't this just a thin wrapper of Preline? Why use this instead of Preline?
Looks great! Can you also consider supporting svelte[1] (and sveltekit[2]) officialy?

[1] https://svelte.dev

[2] https://kit.svelte.dev

Large amount of praise from low karma accounts.
Used https://daisyui.com/ which is also pretty good (and similar).
The two interactive clusters of component examples on the homepage are really amazing and well thought out.

How'd you come up with the idea of having them cascade down from the right side of the webpage above the fold? Never seen that before.

The docs have some serious attention to detail.

Looks great, but for dark/Gourmet, the purple primary color and others like accent and success are too dark and don't contrast well for me. The purple fails WCAG contrast checks from a quick look.
Looks great. I've just been using TailwindUI (commercial) and creating components as I see fit. I base it off the HTML templates only.
Looks great and quite complete
beautiful work, can't imagine the hours that went into it
Excellent effort and thanks in advance for publishing this.
I don't understand the fascination for tools like Tailwind (or bootstrap before that). Sure when your doing very basic things it sounds cool to be able to use just a simple class to get a cool style, but then when used in hanger you end up with a list of class like this

    `fixed flex items-center w-full max-w-xs p-4 space-x-4 text-gray-500 bg-white divide-x rtl:divide-x-reverse divide-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow top-5 right-5 dark:text-gray-400 dark:divide-gray-700 dark:bg-gray-800"` [1] 
and then I really don't understand what you've gained compared to using CSS directly…

[1]: this class is taken from a flowbite component I've worked with no latter than yesterday. https://flowbite.com/docs/components/toast/#simple-toast

Looks really cool..!!