Looks good, it would be great to see more examples in the docs.
Looks very cool. Is there any documentation on how it works for communication over a network? I see the remote/swarm section but is there an overview somewhere?
Is this actually distributed? I see no evidence that this can be used in conjunction with even ipc with builtin features.
This looks really nice! Curious if its running in production anywhere
What are the advantages and disadvantages vs using Actix or Ractor?
Looks really nice.

But sometimes when I see projects like this in other languages, I think, are you sure you don't want to use Erlang or something else on the BEAM runtime and just call Rust or C via their NIFs?

I used Erlang about a decade ago, and even then it was so robust, easy to use, and mature. Granted you have to offload anything performance-sensitive to native functions but the interface was straightforward.

In the Erlang community back then there were always legends about how Whatsapp had only 10 people and 40 servers to serve 1 Billion customers. Probably an exaggeration, but I could totally see it being true. That's how well thought out and robust it was.

Having said all that, I don't mean to diminish your accomplishment here. This is very cool!
