The number of people requesting a promo (i.e., free) in this thread is appalling. The author worked hard on their app, and is selling it for 95 cents. Less than a dollar. For an app that requires them to pay a ton of money each year for the developer license. What sort of "I'm an influencer" entitlement drives people to even consider this?
The app looks nice and the concept sounds interesting.

But this worries me a little bit: "I also needed a distraction" - is it really a good idea to treat our brains this way? Why do we need distractions all the time? Why is boredom so intolerable? Also, you can simply just think about stuff, you don't have to feed your compulsion loop.

Read this post on my laptop... got my phone out and went to the app store. You can imagine what happened then. I literally could not find your app. Even searching with the same capitalization and punctuation, or by adding "game", etc. to the end. It's a neat idea, and I am purchasing now, but if you want any kind of visibility, you know what you have to do with this name.
Bought and played for a while, 83 attempts with 12 corrects and max 2 corrects in a row. It s a very difficult game without visual and sound to aid figuring out the exact rhythm, and the game seems very strict about how much you can be off.

Suggestions: - have an option to add 4 constant interval tiks at the beginning to help setup the base rhythm - hold down the small white dot to return to menu so you can see progress without exiting - have a way to visualize a rhythm similar to the example or skip it (maybe two finger hold?) if you are stuck - some rhythms feel to have slightly uneven tempo. Is the duration of the tick taken into consideration when generating the tempo?

Interesting game overall. Well done


1. Use “you’re“, not “your”, for “you are”. It is wrong in the first “screen” image in your App Store listing.

2. Use an ellipsis — three dots, “…”, never two dots. This is in two images in your listing.

Bought it for the novelty, easy decision.

Feedback: it's pretty difficult even at the first level. As a distraction, even just easy 2-3 beat patters might be good to start with. So having difficulty levels would be great.

Maybe the difficulty comes from the strength of the haptic engine, but not sure how to easily change that (somewhere in Settings app I'm sure).

Very fun game concept! I got stuck on level two. The difficulty is a bit too much, and it seems when i’m halfway through my pattern input a random haptic feedback happens from my phone, which throws me off/signals i’ve failed? iPhone 15 Pro Max/iOS 18
Bought it, I have a much easier time when I do the example thanks to the visual but it's super hard for me when I actually play it without any visual
A game for people who get carsick looking at screens, awesome! I would love more suggestions that fall in this same category, aka games for the vision impaired.

Where can I sign up for notification of a future Android (specifically Kindle Fire [Kids+]) release?

Looks interesting! Unfortunately can't try it out due to being an Android user, but you might wanna tweak the first image on the App Store :) It says "No evidence that your even playing!" when it should say "No evidence that you're even playing!".
Is there any chance you will port this to the Apple Watch? That's where I'd really want a game like this!

It is quite fun, I like rhythm games.

Everyone else is focused on this being a game about when you're bored to keep yourself busy... Aren't literally all games for providing entertainment? This is really cool and unique.
There was an old PSP game called Patapon, it also has rhythm-based gameplay, you should check it out.


Difficult to find by search on the app store - 'tik', 'tik game' (and with the exclamation mark appended) didn't return it, but 'tik! haptic' did.
I'm over here visualizing people holding their phones in their pocket while continuously tapping on them. The goal of not looking disrespectful might backfire on you :).
> You just sit here, loosing brain cells in seconds. At least, that’s how things where before Tik!

Am I the only one that can’t help seeing irony here? Search for a constant attention and distraction may not lead to a better mental condition, if not making worse as subsequents boring times will be even more boring.

Here’s some alternatives some phoneless can engage while staring at a speaker:

- imagine another life for the speaker

- mentally check your grocery list

- build inner abs, perineum and other hidden muscles

- wank yourself from a hidden hole in you pocket

- think what where the outcome and what you could have done differently in previous social interactions

- my favorite : deeply concentrate on all noises, voices sounds that does not come from the speaker itself.

Also congratulations, AFAIK this is a novel game ideas. Being bored leaded here to creativity.

Cool! The idea reminds me of that game around 2015 where you had to do special things with your iPhone to unlock various tiles. E.g. restart the phone; turn WiFi on/off; shake it; turn ringer on/off; etc.
Really cool idea. Novel, I imagine a lot of people would play this. I would suggest a social media campaign with short form videos. Seems like something that has the potential to go viral or at least make a lot of money.
What's interesting is that I get better results if I close my eyes to focus on feeling the sequence I need to copy and feel the feedback.

The usual : improve a sense by shutting down another?

Anyway, it's fun!

Nice! instead of tapping, an alternative play mode I'd love to see would be shaking! Even better if you can play with the phone "locked" so no accidental clicks.
Just downloaded it, and it's pretty fun. Thanks for sharing and enjoy my $0.95!
Cool idea! Hope it gets ported to Android someday!
Shame I can't give it a go (android user) as it looks great but noticed a typo on the App store screenshots, where it says "re-ceate", instead of "re-create".
sounds like a one button version of the 80s game Senso / Simon. too bad there's no android version. https://www.retrohandheldgames.com/images/simon-mini-senso-m...
Well done! This is a pretty cool and unique idea.

I think it would be nice to have some UI when you first open the app, so you can at least learn how to play it. It's kind of hard to figure out what you're doing wrong when you tap and what success should look like.

Also, are there any difficulty levels? It feels like the very first sequence is kind of hard.

I recall an Indie Game Jam many years ago where there were bonus points for no/limited visuals. You understood the assignment!
This looks like fun. It's description made me laugh and not many games succeed in that. I hereby request a promo code to try it.
Genius idea, though in the grand scheme of things this is probably bad.
Yes, because Phantom Vibration Syndrome alone was not difficult enough.
How about text adventures?
I like that your app is 367.6KB.

Have you looked at the resulting file to see what uses up the space? Perhaps it can be reduced further?

Great idea! I’d love to check it out. Any plans to have an Apple Watch version?
This is brilliant and an instant buy for me!
first paid app i've seen in a couple of years (makes sense, though!)
Seems like a great idea, 'tho I can't (I hope yet) try it on Android. How do you select the rhythms? Can people make their own rhythms to use later (maybe a sharable library)? Are there some potentially quasi-useful ones, such as beat patterns in specific music, or maintaining exact 1-second beat intervals? Rhythms to try to sync certain brainwave patterns? Seems like a lot of possibility space out there...
Honestly first time see a 95 cents app on the App Store
I would like a promo
I wonder if this would burn out the vibration motor? Was it made to be used this often?
Essentially an exercise in minimalism, quite cool. I want it, buy I'm an Android user.

However, I also really have to wonder: "I needed a distraction" - smartphones have apparently conditioned us to consider boredom absolutely intolerable. I'm note sure that's a good thing.

cool idea. i would also like a promo code to try out. apple watch version would be great!