Couldn't I just make an aggregate audio device which uses the mic on my MacBook Pro, and speakers of the AirPods?
I'm not going to compare this to a cup of coffee, as that analogy has been beaten to death. What I will say is that $20/yr is far higher than many apps, that are much more complicated, do a a lot more, and are self sustaining businesses.

Why would anyone want to pay 2x for this compared to what a really good podcast app costs? Or 7x what a good gif manager costs?

This app doesn't even do anything that native macOS tools can do for you with 2 minutes of work (aggregate audio devices, or a bit of scripting), and literally saves you from one extra keypress and 2 clicks.

I'm not going to compare this to a cup of coffee, as that analogy has been beaten to death. What I will say is that $20/yr is far higher than many apps, that are much more complicated, do a a lot more, and are self sustaining businesses.

Why would anyone want to pay 2x for this compared to what a really good podcast app costs? Or 7x what a good gif manager costs?

Can anyone explain why something like this is necessary on a Macbook, but when I use my airpods with my iPhone I seem to get high quality audio and microphone usage at the same time?
Congrats on building and launching the app. Building a little tool to solve a problem you have is great.

My only issue is that I'm mostly using the AirPods mic for meetings. I don't want to use my laptop mic because my impression is that it picks up too much background noise. AirPods do too, but I think less so?

> it's not one time payment because I don't know what would the right price be for supporting an app for years to come and still have people willing to pay for it

I dislike this very, very, very much. You do realize that with this attitude, we'll soon be bickering with our toilets to please let the seat down without making a small 4$/month in-loo purchase first?

I have initially thought this piece of software is going to fix my AirPods Pro noise issue :)
Nice job. Price seems fair to me. You’ve found a problem and fixed it. This crowd always bemoans paid (and closed source) things so I’ve come to largely tune that out because it’s just a given.
This has been one of my fixations. That it‘s still an issue 20 years after Bluetooth audio has become a thing and 10 since telephony has become good quality is crazy to me.

It has been a few years since LE Audio has standardized and a lot of digging has led me to the conclusion that it should support decent audio with multiple channels (as it‘s not artificially limited like the Hands Free Profile). I‘d have expected Apple to jump on this to finally solve this stupid issue once and for all, but … nope.

I just want to listen to music while on a phone call. It’s not that crazy.

Same can be achieved in a few lines of Lua using Hammerspoon and hs.audiodevice API.

    local builtinMicName = "MacBook Pro Microphone"
        defaultMic = hs.audiodevice.defaultInputDevice():name()
        if (e == "dIn " and defaultMic ~= builtinMic) then
          local builtinMic = hs.audiodevice.findInputByName(builtinMicName)
It doesn't seem fair to pay $20 per year for this. I'd be fine with one time payment.
23€ per year for an automatic source switcher ? I understand it might be more tricky that it looks, but it's more than I am willing to pay, event for a lifetime license.
If I press the option key of the Mac and clic on the speaker icon of the menu bar, I can select the source of the speaker and mic as well. Am I missing something here ?
I often manually switch to the built-in mic of my MBP [edit: while using Airpods for audio output]. To switch more quickly, I found that when you alt-click on "Sound" while in the Control Center, you can select audio devices for input and output independently of each other.
$20 per year subscription? That seems pretty steep for what the app does.
Looks good but no way I'd pay a subscription for a utility.
If this is as effective as you claim it to be, then I look forward to Apple including it in the operating system for free in the future. You should consider applying there and making it happen!
> CrystalClear Sound requires a paid subscription(a rather cheap one), which supports the development of the app.

Sorry, but I'll pass.

I'd spend a few dollars on a convenience app like this as a one-off purchase (it would save me from option-clicking the volume icon every once in a while), but what ongoing development or infrastructure am I paying for with a subscription here?
