Man the reporting on this ordeal has been so awful and so representative of how media misleads the public into thinking things are worse than they actually are.

It isn't a rescue mission, it's a regular crew rotation mission with modifications to account for the extra crew left on the station, and those crew are 'stuck' only in the sense that they're expected to stay there as part of their duties and it would be unnecessarily disruptive to operations to bring them back early. Starliner was still deemed to be safe enough to be the emergency escape option while it was docked, then the emergency escape option became seats setup in the cargo portion of the Crew-8 capsule.

Was the title edited after the fact by mods?

The original title has the word "rescue."

The top comment is questioning the use of this word.

It seems likely that when the story originally appeared on HN, it had the accurate title reflecting the title of the article. Thus the comment from dotnet00, which I'm neutral on. But then, it would appear, the title was altered, to dampen a controversy? Is this how things are done around here? Anyone know more?

I declined a job offer from Boeing recently because they can't execute anymore. Complete clown show run by accountants.
To everyone saying "oh, the astronauts like having to be up there. It is an opportunity."

You get that they have no choice, right? And that for multiple reasons they are going to put the best spin on the event. For one, for their own sanity, they are going to be as positive and optimistic as possible. For two, there is likely a huge PR pressure to be as positive and optimistic as possible.

Being in space is a pretty big deal. It comes with lots of health risks, and they are isolated from their loved ones. For example, they might be missing funerals for friends or family members, they might be missing milestones of their children, etc... etc...

> By the time they return, the pair will have logged more than eight months in space. They expected to be gone just a week when they signed up for Boeing’s first astronaut flight that launched in June.

What kind of overtime do you think they are clocking?

Is there a good link for the unexpected science these two have been doing and will do?
So is this a reflection on Boeing engineering culture? Seems it would be, I remember comments from previous articles saying it is.
Hi to everyone making reddit-level comments. This isn't the venue or the audience.

Your one-off jokes about Elon Musk and overtime are boring and don't contribute meaningfully to any serious conversation. There are better subreddits where everyone can ignore this stuff. Not here.

Do those guys get paid overtime?
Kind of hilarious the lengths they're going to in order to not give credit to elon / space x.

Boeing / current admin continues to be a complete joke.

I think "rescue" is a little dramatic.
Starbase, TX is rapidly overtaking Cape Canaveral, FL. This "extended work opportunity" of sorts is being milked for maximum instrumental utility.