Thanks for including ridiculously high res images.

And it amazes me how many analog tricks they used. Modern day would be a couple lines of code.

I've wanted to add such an indicator to my car's dash (I already added a boat compass, which I find quite useful and aesthetic). Unfortunately, electronic indicators of any kind are much more rare than vacuum powered ones or all-glass cockpits.
Asking just out of curiosity/ignorance. The author mentions that the F35 has a completely digital touchscreen to basically do anything on the aircraft (I assume). I can also image a powerful gun damaging it, then how does pilot manage if that screen stops working at all? Compare the same situation in the F4. The hit would only break/damage the instruments on that line of fire, correct? So in one case you would be totally screwed while in the other one you would partially lose some instruments, right? I must obviously not be taking into account something (or many things) for the F35, but in my mind having a 100% digital aircraft seems pretty scary.
Author here if there are any questions...
Fun fact is these airplanes are still being used as the backbone of Iranian Airforce and the very same unit was being used before they upgraded the avionics a couple of years ago on some variants.
I bet the engineers responsible for this would be so stoked that someone figured out how they solved all these problems.
pretty awesome to see the engineering details involved! -thanks. as a software person I always wonder how they handle bugs and QA when building complex pieces of hardware like this
kens@ is a treasure we do not deserve.