Looks great! From a quick glance it seems like it is a cross platform shared memory library. Maybe similar to this? [1].

Suggestion: would be cool to have a quick description of the system calls involved for each supported platform [2]. I'm guessing mmap on linux/osx and CreateFileMapping on Windows?


1: https://github.com/LiveAsynchronousVisualizedArchitecture/si...

2: https://github.com/eclipse-iceoryx/iceoryx2?tab=readme-ov-fi...

Congrats on the release.

What's the difference between iceoryx and iceoryx2? I don't want to use Rust and want to stick to C++ if possible.

How does this compare to and/or integrate with OTOH Apache Arrow which had "arrow plasma IPC" and is supported by pandas with dtype_backend="pyarrow", lancedb/lancedb, and Serde.rs? https://serde.rs/#data-formats