How will this hold companies accountable or change their screening process? Do you want your name on a site that “calls out” companies that didn’t respond to you?

If you have the goal to get a job I don’t see how this helps. If you have the goal to try to shame employers, maybe they will care, but you get no closer to your goal.

The site has the obvious problem that only “ghosting” reports get counted, but not successful interactions. I can think of a few reasons employers might post jobs they don’t intend to fill, but I can’t think of a reason an employer would spend any time interviewing if they don’t intend to hire someone. Much more likely they found a better candidate and have sloppy follow-up than something nefarious happened.

With so many people applying for jobs, and using bots and AI to do that, and then using employers for practice interviews, it seems inevitable that employers will put less effort into follow-up.

Hey HN!

Sick of applying to jobs and never hearing back? Or finding out the listing was just a ghost job? I built the simplest possible platform where the community can submit companies that ghost applicants or post fake job listings. Let’s hold them accountable together!

Let’s share our experiences and help others avoid the ghosting trap. Join the fight to make hiring more transparent and accountable!

Check it out:

What about candidates that do the ghosting? Can companies form a blacklist of their own? If that isn’t a goal of this tool, in theory would you be okay with that?
Great initiative.

Many of these companies claim they want to 'hire the best' then proceed to ghost them.

Best not to apply to these companies in the first place and completely avoid them.

I know Cabify, Monzo, Cloudflare and especially Hopper ghost people A LOT, so this is pretty accurate.