> Over the years I have been frustrated by binary and XML formats that make data only accessible via a single program (or by me wasting time manually converting each file, or by me writing a file format conversion program).

For me, the frustration is version control. Native spreadsheet formats (xlsx/ods) are binary, so un-diffable. Plaintext formats like CSV/TSV play nice with Git, but come at a high cost in ergonomics: there is no way to preserve formatting such as column widths and formulas are usually discarded on save. Moreover, Excel/Calc don't really like it when you overwrite an open file from another program.

MtCellEdit seems to be a step in the right direction, but still leaves a good part of the itch unscratched.

For something even more lightweight with GUI, Nebu, written in uxntal
Great tool, good job to the author. I am looking for something almost exactly like this. Lightweight GUI app for viewing tabular data. There's only one critical thing missing for this to be perfect for my desired workflow and that is automatically reloading on external file changes. Currently I use Visidata for the purposes of viewing the output of sqlite.

I write an SQL (or mainly PRQL these days) query on a text editor on a file which is being watched by entr which runs the query on a sqlite database which outputs a csv file which is then read by visidata and there I look at the data, do some basic manipulations. That my very simple, completely unix-style data exploration pipeline. What I miss a bit from Visidata is a bit more mouse control. I mainly want to select a range of cells to copy and paste somewhere else, which this does. But unfortunately this doesn't reload the file on change automatically.

Anyone has any recommendations for a data tool that would fit the workflow I described?

Is there an opportunity to bring something like this online using wasm?
"I created from scratch" love these words...

18 years of creativity, awesome.

For any csv commandline commandos out there, I recently discovered frawk which is like awk but natively understands csv and is rewritten in Rust for quite the speed improvement
The misaligned menu bar text in the screenshots is triggering me.
Is there anything similar for macOS?
of mtpaint fame? i use that all the time.
What does MtCellEdit set apart from the standard spreadsheet program apart from its lightweightness? Any special features?
shameless plug, if you want to view csv with charts you can also give my free viewer a try
For the non-GUI guys there is visidata.

A little off topic but I am looking for a lightweight word processor program. For MacOS. One that can edit docx documents with some minimal features. Most word processors like LibreOffice are very bloated.
How does it store data? Is it some nosql database that stores cells?