I had a neighbor with Alzheimers who was often confused about whether it was morning or evening (she only had analog, 12-hour clocks). She seemed to have two days per day, and I'd often hear her 6am alarm go off at 6pm.

I made a simple web app for her that showed the time along with the bold text MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING etc. I set this up on her tablet by the wall, but every time I visited it had been switched off (all the way), and she had no memory of it being set up. (Presumably her bedtime routine involved "turning off the computer"...)

So I just bought her an analog Alzheimer's clock (a 24 hour clock with some colors and pictures to indicate the time of day -- quite similar to OP's design actually). She took readily to that one.

A debugger I used to use had a `phase of the moon` command, presumably so you could track if your difficult-to-repro bug had any correlation.

Should I ever be tempted to make an analogue equivalent, it was worth learning that is a thing.

This is cool

Semi related- did I read this righr that Portugal has a bin collection every day bar Sunday? (that sounds like a lot! I'm from the UK and where I live there's one a week)

My bin schedule is slightly complicated by it cycling between different recycling bins every 3 weeks. I think I'd need a bigger clock.

Currently I have 3 recurring events in my calendar that remind me the night before.

I really enjoy seeing learning little maker projects like this on HN. The inside scoop on SVG path is a bonus, and it's going into my toolkit for a future day.
I found this part funny:

> Also, I really didn't want yet another thing with [...] code to debug (there comes a time in every programmer's life when they can't face debugging yet another thing that should be simple and just work)

... when two paragraphs later comes the code to generate a SVG :)


Doesn't your council give a fridge magnet which has the dates in the calendar printed clearly?

Why overcomplicate?