Apparently it's pretty easy to do on those other platforms. For Mac:

Using BetterTouchTool:

    Install BetterTouchTool from bettertouchtool.net. Open BetterTouchTool and go to the “Keyboard” section. Add a new keyboard shortcut, for example, Ctrl + CapsLock. Set the action to "Insert/Paste Custom Text." Enter your custom message:

    I need you to give me ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE revised code without ANY placeholders that preserves ALL existing functionality!
For BetterTouchTool, there's an option in the app to start at login.

Using Hammerspoon:

    Install Hammerspoon from hammerspoon.org. Create a configuration file (~/.hammerspoon/init.lua) with this content:
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl"}, "capslock", function() hs.eventtap.keyStrokes("I need you to give me ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE revised code without ANY placeholders that preserves ALL existing functionality!") end)

Reload Hammerspoon by clicking on its menu icon and choosing "Reload Config."

For Hammerspoon, you can add it to "Login Items" in System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items.