Largely driven by high fraction of natural gas in British energy mix. British gas production in the north sea has declined, no more imports from Russia and now 60% of imported gas comes from Norway[1], which is more expensive.


It's rather annoying as a brit. Apparently the wholesale cost of electricty is about 7p in the UK but I get charged 25p. Something not very efficient is going on.
(Developed world only.)

Of those countries where geography precludes easy imports from competent neighbors, is there any which has generally had lower-functioning government over the past half-ish century?

Britain seems like such a crazy dystopia these days.

cameras everywhere, immigration overwhelming natives in certain neighborhoods, ASBOs, some of the highest rent prices in the world, average economy.

how are middle class britons doing?

Seems like Britain still pays the highest price for almost anything, in the world, and used to be known by international traders as 'treasure island', and I guess still is.