Joseph explains the algorithm on YouTube too:

It's great work, combining the best of OT and CRDTs.

Seph (author) also has a reference implementation in Typescript:

I've stated before that I think the main thing holding back collaborative text / sequence CRDTs is integration with a production database.

Eg-walker looks interesting because it might lend itself to be integrated into a database because the operations are immutable and only appended. However, to demonstrate the effectiveness of these algorithms library authors (see Yjs, DiamondTypes, etc) build stand-alone data structures (usually specialized search trees) that most databases already provide.

Personally, I've been trying to adapt a Piece Table[1] to be collaborative and stored in Triplit[2] which runs on both client and server and already implements logical clocks but I might see how well I can adapt this algorithm instead!

1. 2.

Saw the YouTube video when it was first posted, and it could be a great match for a new project I have in mind.

Is there a practical implementation yet that supports not just strings, but also lists and maps?

Would be great to see it integrated into yjs / y-crdt.

Do collaborative whiteboard like software use the same algorithms, or are there more suitable algorithms for picture collaborations?
If Martin Kleppmann is the author I know this stuff will be worth watching out for.
Looks like amazing work, congrats!! Excited to see implementations in the wild, definitely would be keen to play around with.