Curious to hear who is using it still. I experimented with it 2010/2011 IIRC but never build a real project with it.
CouchDB was always a curious product that asked the question, "what would happen if your database and your application server were the same product?"

Unfortunately I think the answer was nobody would use it.

I think there’s a small oversight in the release notes:

> In that case, upgrade to 3.4.0 without changing the default and enable xxHash in 3.5.0 or later so you can roll back to 3.4.0 then.

This should probably say 3.4.1, not 3.4.0, in the two places in that sentence where it says 3.4.0. Right?

In the release notes highlights:

> Optionally replace md5 with xxHash for data integrity checksums. 30% speed up on larger (128k) docs, no difference for smaller docs.

Happy to see xxHash getting more and more popular!

Does it still use a version of spidermonkey from the early 2010's?