The other repos from this person are also worth checking:


I know nothing of this topic, but it sure looks neat.

A few features that are great to see are:

- No dynamic heap allocation.

- No dependencies

- C99

Maybe it’s time for me to learn something new.

I implore you all to read the coder's website, This is one of the craziest rabbit holes I've been through. That being said, the guy sure can code, but judging by the website and its content, he can't AT ALL function in a normal society. His "wiki" is a cesspool of cognitive dissonance. I don't even think flat earthers or other anti-system people have that much cognitive dissonance going on. In short - this guy is as if someone took the worst opinions from a left-wing person and the worst opinions from a right-wing person. I hope he can get treated for whatever condition he has and live normally. I feel sorry for him.
There is something so satisfying about software written in C99 with this style/philosophy. This program has just the right amount of complexity. This is an art that needs to come back into style.
Note that it’s not by “Suckless (TM)”. I.e. not affiliated to
This is very cool and a very impressive effort.

I want to discuss though if "real" 3D is the right solution for such constrained platforms. The aliasing is quite extreme due to large pixels and lack of filtering. A more constrained 3D renderer or faking 3D with billboards may be better suited for these platforms. Then the aliasing can make it look more like pixel art than the unstructured noise a real render gives.

Like below, I’m not the target market outside this is interesting enough for me to maybe considering for a project I’m playing with. I love the old school graphics.
Definitely had to read that subject line twice.
Sometimes you just want to show things, without showing things off..
Sadly, I'm getting Terry Davis vibes from this particular developer. I hope they seek help.