"Orca with a knife". I have seen it before: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3sXkwYLboncsNYE8A
Some of them are more like people seeing the shape Jesus or a penis in clouds.
Very interesting. These are the technical details I could infer from the paper

1. Collected data by flying aircraft over the area. Used a land classification mask to restrict the are to ~ 600 sq km

2. Make image patches of 11m by 11m. I believe there is some overlap in the patches. Sharpen the images for contrast.

3. The training data comes from previously known glyphs. Positive label patches are ones with a glyph. Negative label patches are randomly sampled from the vicinity of the glyph.

4. It looks like they fine tuned resnet 50 with these labels

5. Ran inference on other patches. They had false positives

6. Manually verified these AI predicted glyphs by ground surveys

I couldn't figure out how they drew the outlines in the pictures. I guess it was manually done

Can't wait for them to turn this tech loose on Mars photos. So many human faces waiting to be found.
This is actually a really cool image recognition problem! I can imagine that an AI could actually be better at spotting these things than humans.
I have to say that I love these images. I love the earth images, the AI enhancements are cool, but above all I love the actual designs themselves. For me these designs are supreme examples of human creativity.
Does this make more or less likely to be made by aliens in the minds of those that think so?
This reminds me of the ishahara color blindness test.
Would love to see the never-AI guys chime in about how'd they'd rather not have this than suffer the depredations of BigAI
Could an ancient civilisation have their own Burning Man?
looks fake, tbh - like "mary appeared on toast" fake