I'd love to learn about Nardwuar's research process. He can uncover what your best friend from 4th grade's favorite flavor of soda was. It's truly amazing.
I think Nardwuar's approach is beautifully disarming in a way the reveals an artist's lack of awareness or humility. Surely that's not always the case, and a person can have their own reasons for not liking the vibe, such as maybe not getting the humour in it all, but that's the impression I get, particularly when they try to keep their front up.
Interesting. Would have thought the worst interview was where the guys from Blur were going to beat him up.

And finding a long lost VHS tape is the most on-brand thing for Kingsgate Mall.

While the research of this guy is certainly impressing, the shtick never failed to repulse me.

It just seems so forced and over the top, and for me personally incredibly annoying.

I get it that it is a love it or hate it kind of thing, so I would be curious to hear about the opinions on people from the other side ?

> Whenever I scroll down, the spinning ball of death appears. It’s like when you try to check someone’s old Tumblr page out. It usually takes me 20 minutes to get to the bottom of a document.

Yes, Tumblr profiles doesn't have pagination, is all progressive loading when scrolling down [1], but there is an archive page where you can pick the month/year of posts [2] ;)



His Lydia Lunch interview struck me as particularly acrimonious

Imagine if there was a Nardwuar for developers and hackers. Not the same awkward, stilted, or just canned interview question stuff but actual Gonzo journalism, getting in there and being able to talk shop but also at the same time disarm the nerd so they divulge more personal and sensitive things so you could get more of a feel for things.
Often things are popular that I don't like but can understand why they are popular. Even in cases like "Hawk Tuah" I kinda get how these meme blow up and create celebs which people follow as a new form of pop culture.

But Nardwuar is one of those that every time I listen to an interview of his, I just don't get it. Like at all. His persona isn't just fake but overly exaggerated and annoying. It reminds of the people in my school who would do something stupid and say, "I'm so random haha!"

His vibe makes me feel uncomfortable and I often feel celebs feel uncomfortable in his presence but try to play along because they don't want offend or upset. Some really like his vibe, but many seem uncomfortable.

He'd be way better if he just dropped the early 00s "I'm so random" crap. That said, I don't really follow his stuff because I find him so annoying. Perhaps I am missing something.