Some of the details are horrific, this entire article is worth reading:

> “One contestant had a seizure; they just left him there,” said Hannah, describing one of the seizure incidents. Medical attention wasn’t brought to them until nearly an hour later, she said.

Holy cow. This feels sort of like fyre festival, but it's hard to tell precisely what is going on here. This team has run big productions before, supposedly?

The fact that the MrBeast YT channel has over 300 million subscribers, and has such a profound grip on youth attention, is something that I occasionally wonder about (in terms of what it says about culture, youth, etc). From my perspective as a 35+ yr old male in the US, everything about it screams idiocracy.
Let's look back at this:

Is this the result of a team solely consisting of "A-players" who "learn from mistakes"? The document cites previous failures such as "Do not leave consteatants [sic] waiting in the sun (ideally waiting in general) for more than 3 hours."

Among other things, I'd say: these types of documents rarely bear any relation to the reality of a company.

> However, the three videos published afterward averaged a like-to-dislike ratio of 55.1%.

How are they measuring this?

Maybe the real contestants were the producers, medics, and support staff.

> Earlier in July, Medics on the Go collaborated with doctors stationed nationwide, eliminating applicants based on their medical records who they felt could be at risk during the competition. At the time, April said Medics on the Go was not privy to age information. April said pharmacy medics learned of the contestant’s age when they first visited the pharmacy and shared their identification wristbands.

> Recalling one healthy 82-year-old lady, April said, “She got banged up and scratched up when it comes to money, people are ruthless.”

I hated reading this article. Disgusting behavior by a YouTube star who will be spared all consequences.

12 Porta-pottys for 2000 people, squid game indeed.
I think it’s funny people never use his real name. Why is that?
Sounds like another spoiled rich kid selfishly exploiting others for gain.