This particular incident comes after another rail-related "cyber" incident, affecting TfL who run services in London. The previous incident was perpetrated by a 17-year old, and TfL have still yet to re-enable the systems they turned off back at the end of August. This means customers can no longer check their contactless journey history or claim refunds online. My understanding is that staff were also shut off from being able to access internal systems. There is no ETA for restoration of service.

I think there's a growing problem with digital competency in some of these organisations. TfL in particular have not kept up with the times, and their once revolutionary ticketing infrastructure and software (I say "their", but it's really all just outsourced to Cubic, there's very little in-house expertise or day-to-day ownership when it comes to this stuff) feels quite dated now.

>London Euston, Manchester Piccadilly and Birmingham New Street among those targeted with terrorism message

Makes it sound like the message itself was 'terrorist'. Also abhor the fact that we're never trusted with being able to see the actual source content. We MUST be told what we should think about it by 3rd parties.

Major UK train stations have turned off their wifi?

Should result in slightly improved performance :-P

(Actually, to be fair, some of those stations have working and viable wifi. Only some have wifi where connection simply doesn't work - and by this I mean consistently over a couple of years.)

Where are these teens learning these easy hacks from? I say easy because the police seem to have no problem tracking them down after the incident, hinting at a degree of slopiness in covering their tracks.
There seems to me to be a lot of misplaced trust involved in connecting to Wifi networks. It's easy to set up your own public AP and why not call it "Netork Rail Free Wifi" or something?

Does anybody in the UK ever use the free wifi at stations? It never works anyway.
Phew! Someone is lucky they are not liable via the CRA
Once again, the UK gov refuses to pay more than like 30k a year for engineers and then plays shocked Pikachu when things aren't done properly.