Other than turning down the speaker, what possible reason could I have to know that it's "too loud"? This reminds me of smart refrigerators that can notify me when the door is ajar. I'd rather have it constructed so that it just closes automatically. This is the general philosophy anyway. I know that something could be physically obstructing the door. But in that case, I'm more likely to notice a physical alarm than I am to see the notification on some tech device.

In that spirit, it seems better to have a speaker that can't be set higher than the "approved" maximum. If this thing is measuring actual sound level rather than set volume, a slow release limiter, either in software or hardware would just make it automatically correct without the whole notification cycle thing.

Slack is eating the world because we made email useless for communication by creating thousands of robots that send us pointless notification emails.

Now SlackOps encourages us to make the same mistake.

I never want an IM saying something worked. That’s just noise.

Why?? Sonos has a maximum volume limit. If you’re going to auto turn down, why notify. If you can limit, why do either.
are sonos still zero auth when on network and discoverable? god we had so much fun biking around manhattan looking for open wifi, discovering speakers, and play fart sounds. i think the repo is still up: Sonoying.
Why did you create this? Kids playing their music too loud for your liking? Couldn't you just... talk to them about it?
I'm finding it really hard to imagine a circumstance where I'm sharing:

a) space

b) Sonos speakers

and c) a slack channel

All with the same person. And if I did, I'd probably just turn the speakers down and tell them it's too loud, then set the volume limit in Sonos.

I came just to learn what it means to 'Slack' a room. I was disappointed.
Wow this is so cool - HackerNews post of the day IMO!!!