This price drop is significant. For <128,000 tokens they're dropping from $3.50/million to $1.25/million, and output from $10.50/million to $2.50/million.

For comparison, GPT-4o is currently $5/million input and $15/million output and Claude 3.5 Sonnet is $3/million input and $15/million output.

Gemini 1.5 Pro was already the cheapest of the frontier models and now it's even cheaper.

This sounds interesting:

"We will continue to offer a suite of safety filters that developers may apply to Google’s models. For the models released today, the filters will not be applied by default so that developers can determine the configuration best suited for their use case."

Any opinions on pro-002 vs pro-exp-0827 ?

Unlike others here I really appreciate the gemini API, it's free and it works. I haven't done too many complicated things with it but I made a chatbot for the terminal, a forecasting agent (for metaculus challenge) and a yt-dlp auto namer of songs. The point for me isn't really how it compares to openAI/anthropic, it's a free API key and I wouldn't have made the above if I had to pay just to play around

I’ve used it. The API is incredibly buggy and flakey. A particular pain point is the “recitation error” fiasco. If you’re developing a real world app this basically makes the Gemini api unusable. It strikes me as a kind of “Potemkin” service.

Google is aware of the issue and it has been open on google's bug tracker since March 2024:

There is also discussion on GitHub:

It stems from something google added intentionally to prevent copyright material being returned verbatim (ala the NYT openai fiasco), so they dialled up the "recitation" control (the act of repeating training data—and maybe data they should not have legally trained on).

Here are some quotes from the bug tracker page:

> I got this error by just asking "Who is Google?"

> We're encountering recitation errors even with basic tutorials on application development. When bootstrapping a Spring Boot app, we're flagged for the pom.xml being too similar to some blog posts.

> This error is a deal breaker... It occurs hundreds of times a day for our users and massively degrades their UX.

Looks like they are more focused on the economical aspect of those large models? Like 90~95% performance of other frontier models at 50%~70% price.
The new Gemini models perform basically the same as the previous versions on aider's code editing benchmark. The differences seem within the margin of error.

Has anyone used Gemini Code Assist? I'm curious how it compares with Github Copilot and Cursor.
Interview with the product lead:
Gemini feels like an abusive relationship — every few months, they announce something exciting, and I’m hopeful that this time will be different, that they’ve finally changed for the better, but every time, I’m left regretting having spent any time with them.

Their docs are awful, they have multiple unusable SDK's and the API is flaky.

For example, I started bumping into "Recitation" errors - ie they issue a flat out refusal if your response resembles anything in the training data. There's a GitHub issue with hundreds of upvotes and they still haven't published formal guidance on preventing this. Good luck trying to use the 1M context window.

Everything is built the "Google" way. It's genuinely unusable unless you're a total masochist and want to completely lock yourself into the Google ecosystem.

The only thing they can compete on is price.

Google should just offer llama3 405b, maybe slightly fine tuned. Geminis are unusable.
Can someone explain to me why there is COMPLETELY different pricing for models on Vertex AI, Google AI studio and also OpenRouter has another price ...
Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes for this to hit the Google Graveyard?
I think the sentiment here is not fully objective, there are nice improvements in benchmarks (and even more so when accounting for the price):

Also, this model shouldn't be compared to the CoT o1, I think. That is something different (also in price and speed).

One company buying expensive NVIDIA hardware vs another using in-house chips. Google got a huge advantage here. They could really undercut OpenAI.
I only use regular Gemini and the main feature I care about is absolutely terrible: summarizing YouTube videos. I'll ask for a breakdown or analysis of the video, and it'll give me a very high level overview. If I ask for timestamps or key points, it begins to hallucinate and make stuff up. It's incredibly disappointing that such a huge company with effectively unlimited access to both money and intellectual resources can't seem to implement a video analysis feature that doesn't suck. Part of me wonders if they're legitimately this incompetent or if they're deliberately not implementing good analysis features because it could eat into their views and advertisement opportunities.
They have to drop the price because the model is bad. People will pay almost any cost for a model that is much better than the rest. How this company carries on the facade of competence is laughable. All the money on the planet, and they still cannot win on their core "competency".
Is there a good benchmark comparing multilingual and/or translation abilities of most recent LLMs? GPT-4o struggles for some tasks in my language learning app.
Has anyone tried Google's context caching feature? The minimum caching window being 32k tokens seems crazy to me.
Why the ** do they have to use a 8.9MiB png as hero image? I guess it was generated by AI?
Its just not as smart as ChatGPT or LLAMA, its mind boggling Google fell so far behind.
As far as I can tell there's still no option for keeping data private?
No Human eval benchmark result?
Cool, now all Google has to do is make it easier to onboard new GCP customers and more people will probably use it...its comical how hard it is to create a new GCP organization & billing account. Also I think more Workspace customers would probably try Gemini if it was a usage-based trial as opposed to clicking a "Try for 14 days" CTA to activate a new subscription.
As someone who actually had to build on Gemini, it was so indefensibly broken that I couldn't believe Google really went to production with it. Model performance changes from day to day and production is completely unstable as Google will randomly decide to tweak things like safety filtering with no notice. It's also just plain buggy, as the agent scaffolding on top of Gemini will randomly fail or break their own internal parsing, generating garbage output for API consumers.

Trying to build an actual product on top of it was an exercise in futility. Docs are flatly wrong, supposed features are vaporware (discovery engine querying, anybody?), and support is nonexistent. The only thing Google came back with was throwing more vendors at us and promising that bug fixes were "coming soon".

With all the funded engagements and credits they've handed out, it's at the point where Google is paying us to use Gemini and it's _still_ not worth the money.

TLDR - 2x cheaper, slightly smarter, and they only compare those new models to their own old ones. Does google have moat?
Google does not miss one single opportunity to miss an opportunity.

They announced a price reduction but it "won't be available for a few days". By the time, the initial hype will be over and the consumer-use side of the opportunity to get new users will be lost in other news.
