I have been using Microsoft Flight Simulator from the earliest versions (maybe 2.0 or something) through all the versions afterwards.

I got to a juncture in my life where I was wondering what I should do. I thought "well, I love flight simulators, let's take a introductory flight".

Drove to my local airport, flew it. I was already familiar with all the controls thanks to the MSFS.

That flight had me convinced. Got my PPL, went to college and got my commercial and all the other ratings, and that was all due to one thing ...

Microsoft Flight Simulator

This new version is far beyond anything I would have imagined it would get to. I thought once it died, it was gone.

Oh no, they brought it back ... and they were serious.

It would be so cool to use Microsoft's "earth copy" for stuff other than just flight sim. They say it's the most accurate representation of the earth ever. Wonder if you can do some interesting science with that.
Something I would have loved to see, especially in this era of AI, is improvements to the ATC system. But it seems we're stuck with the one from FS2020, which in turn is largely the same it was 20 years ago.

Not everyone can or wants to go to VATSIM for realistic ATC coverage, but the default one is just dreadful. Obvious phraseology mistakes, happily vectoring you towards terrain, asking you to descend 20k ft. in 2 minutes, and the only way to communicate with it is via a list of pre-determined options.

This is the first I'm even hearing of MSFS 2024, I figured 2020 would just be a continuous WIP for a long time to come. I used it for practice but haven't dusted the equipment off in awhile, but this sounds like some nice improvements. 2020 was already pretty astounding in its quality and the leap from the existing flight sims.
My biggest issue with Flight Simulator 2020 doesn’t seem to be addressed.

It contains tutorials on how to control the planes, but no storyline, no built in missions. If you are motivated by a narrative, this is not a game for you. It only does the simulation, but doesn’t really help people get into the game through a kind of narrative.

I have no desire to learn all the details of an aircrafts controls. I might have that, if there was a reason for me to learn those things, as a motivating story that would drag me in. I think it’s an enormous missed opportunity in terms of making the game appeal to a wider audience.

I still hope it will be there in 2024 edition, but this interview didn’t give me much hope.

I've recently built a gaming pc after decades of not having one, one of the reasons was MSFS. I'm not a huge gamer of FS expert but just having the possibility to use some of the amazing tools that the community built on top of it are worth it, for understandable reasons these are not available on the console version.

One example of such a tool would be Little Navmap which makes it possible to plan routes and use your iPad as a "GPS" device. There's some screenshots in my blog post about it, in case anyone is curious: https://blog.notmyhostna.me/posts/using-my-ipad-for-microsof...

Tangential but I keep wishing for an MS Space Simulator revival - I realise there are other games that scratch that itch these days but I did enjoy how very seriously it took accurate simulation (plus occasional silly touches like the various futuristic spacecraft).
2024? I haven't even finished the printed concorde manual from FS2000.
I've played MSFS, X-Plane and DCS, and to be honest there is only one sim made with love and a near perfect flight model and systems, and that is FalconBMS combined with the dynamic campaigns hands down the only flight sim I really enjoy ATM.
“The team built a “digital twin” of the Earth, much like would-be metaverse companies want to do.” Was this actually a goal of “would-be metaverse companies”?

My impression is that they were much more focused on highly abstracted spaces designed to facilitate work and social interactions.

Looks awesome, shame it streams from the Cloud instead of running locally.
Looks like they also have added career mode in 2024. https://msfsaddons.com/2024/09/19/heres-how-the-career-mode-...
When MS Flight Simulator 2020 came out, I wrote a blog post about how these kinds of virtual worlds will be used to train our robot helpers. I'm looking forward to playing this new one. https://medium.com/@jmugan/microsoft-flight-simulator-2020-i...
One thing I've always wished Microsoft would do with every version of Flight Simulator but especially this one is have an "Arcade flying" mode.

I want to see the hyper-realistic rendered world in as high resolution as possible.

I want to fly around the planet.

But I don't want to be limited to the detailed specifics (and speeds!) of real life planes.

Why can't we have a mode to make a plane as easy to fly as it is in GTA5. Or "superman" mode where I don't even have a plane, and I can just move around at (almost) any speed [i'm sure rendering would become a problem]

Just 160 airports? I remember mfs98 having thousands of airports.
With the cloud based rendering, I wonder if they will change this to a subscription.

I hope not, as a greatly prefer the one time cost model with games.

Related: An excellent and thorough video showing all the details from the devs and up to date information about FS2024 including gameplay footage.


I've wanted to give MSFS a go for a few years now. Unfortunately, good luck if you use OSX devices only ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
How TF Flight Simulator is not on VR is the biggest mystery to me. It is the most obvious killer app to showcase both the game and VR headset.
Maybe I'm being simplistic of overly optimistic - but I would think that there would be a massive opportunity for collaboration with fluid dynamics to simulate and 'fast-forward' the weather to see likely impacts.

It might not be correct the first time, but as we map the changes from prediction against the reality, we could adjust for factors that we hadn't considered.

It seems to me that we shouldn't be too far from accurate weather prediction and perhaps with huge amount of data capture having a digital twin of the planet in which we have enough confidence in to model potential climate impacts of policies, products could allow us to have robust discussions around where we're headed and what paths we could take to adapt or overcome the impacts we're already facing.