It seems like a clone of with a different UI. I couldn’t identify any significant differences aside from the reduced readability in the visualization.
I have a UX complaint about the carousel images on

While I was looking at the image and trying to understand, the carousel moved to the next image. It's too fast, and I can't get back to the first image without it immediately switching me to the second image. I can't get it to sit still either and NOT switch to the next image. Some carousels pause themselves when the cursor is hovering over it, but this one did not pause when I did that. The only way I had enough time to digest the information was by right clicking on the image and opening it in a new tab.

Everyone here mentions jq but no one mentions "fx". It's an awesome cli app to browse json. It can modify json too, but I think jq has shorter DSL. If you want to browse or navigate through nested json, this is the best tool I know.

I wouldn't use GUI for this simply because piping data and mouseless env are more convenient to me. These are my other use cases:

- validation & auto fixing: fix-busted-json (python)

- tabular view : visidata (vd) can do this directly on json files. it has tons of other features like histogram, charts, sort, filter, edit, etc

- summarizing and querying: duckdb. Example: select sum(price), count(*) from 'orders.json'

- conversion: json2csv, it works both way

- diff: simply diff, but sometimes jq for ordering keys is required

I miss the days when this kind of tool would be something I could just install on my PC and use, rather than having to spin up server or pay a fee to use ($10 a month!?). Like this wonderful tool:

OSS is dead.

As with every tool like this that I have tried, it can't handle large, realistic JSONs coming down from websites. It died with a 1.5 mb JSON, I just tried, anyway.

This is why I use JQ, which I have seen tackle gigabyte-size files.

It's a great tool, but no one is going to want to pay $10/mo for it.

You will get a better ROI if you replace the pricing with a link to your socials/ website.

I love json tools, I use several like Any chance of a hosted version?
Looks interesting! Reminds me of XMLSpy JSON Grid view -

Any plans to make an editor on top of this?

Love it! I can see the love put into this.

Snappy, a lot of features. The diff tool seems useful.

The vis tool was neat but I don't often have that need.

I did get it to crash when I dumped a JSON file containing data on every programming language ever made.

Here's my user test:

Thank you all for your suggestions and feedback, really helpful to me. I am offering a coupon for the first year free (limited to 10 uses) as a thank you: UZNZQ5NW
So it runs everything locally/in web worker, but there's a monthly quota and it requires a paid plan of $9.99 monthly to keep running it on my own machine?
These two products are indeed very similar.
i am using for a time and happy with it. but i will definitely check this out too.
nice tool, i created a tool for viewing csv and i tested with my goto csv file and it crashed :-) . you might want to use paging for tables or use virtualization for table view.
i've been using visidata for visualizing json and csv in table views, querying it, plotting it, etc. the node-link graph in here is something i wish visidata could do
What I’m hungry for is not so much this coherent application for exploring json data but rather a set of React components to integrate explorations like this into a web app.

Does anybody know of any good components or libraries for that?