It works fine, but I don't want to be turning that lever by hand forever - have they made sure that it halts at some point?


"Won't there be a problem with Intellectual Property? No, the Turing machine is a mathematical model and has no Intellectual Property :)"

I love this kind of comment.

OT: I find it interesting that the Technic branch of Lego seems to increasingly separate itself from the rest of the franchise, design-wise - to the point they got rid of the actual bricks!

In older models, there used to be the occasional "flying" section that was built exclusively out of axles, beams and linkages, but the main support structures were still mostly made out of "traditional" Lego bricks (albeit with holes in them).

With recent models, they seem to have made the "flying" style the norm and the standard bricks the exception.

I wonder if this is some indication of Technic becoming its own thing independent of Lego.

(I only noticed the design changes, I have no idea if there are some company politics behind it - but if there is more information I'd be interested to know)

A small size version of Rubens !

One concern: Given the complexity, I wonder if this might be too niche for a mainstream LEGO release. Maybe it would work better as a specialized educational set?
Can't wait to see DOOM running on this one!
When I was a child, the dream build was the programmable crane from the 8888 Lego Ideas book.

Alas, I did not have enough gear racks to program it.

Thanks to bricklink I eventually got my revenge when I got my own kids.

In general a fantastic book.

This feel like a model which should benefit when the limit for LEGO ideas is increased from 3000 to 5000 pieces.

(probably explained somewhere but I didn't see it) Is all the logic done with Lego gears!?
Is that a 3D printed Lego gear at 12'40" in the video?
Does it come with UTM on the tape?
Meh. Wake me up when it's done booting Linux.


This is awesome!