as a former yc data integration startup employee... this is a very very very challenging business. i'd consider a different business if i were you. being "x but open source" isn't all it is cracked up to be. i dont really care enough to elaborate but please do feel free to tell me if i am wrong in five years.
Sound's like your hosted version will end up with a lot of potentially sensitive information. You will probably want to add ISO 27001 and / or SOC 2 Type 2 as a priority. Not to say an org with that is more secure than one without, but you will certainly need to evidence a comprehensive security program to pass procurement. Choosing what third parties you add now (libraries, platforms etc) can save you a TON down the road.
The other open source option for this that I'm familiar with is Nango[0]. How are you different?

Also, a big challenge in this space is pricing. How are you thinking about tackling that?

[0] https://github.com/nangoHQ/nango

ctrl + f "tool calling"

ctrl + f "function calling"

Have these terms already become passe, or not yet caught on? Or are they an implementation detail which Panora seeks to gracefully elide?

Edit: Oh, very cool, though. I'm envious, in fact.

any differences from nango or supaglue?
This is one of the better open source but business projects as it has running it on my machine front and center. I still don't know why you are tying yourself with VCs but well done.