On my recent first trip to Japan, I couldn't believe the number and quality of 7-Elevens/Family Marts/Lawsons.

You're never more than a five-minute walk from one in Tokyo, and they've got good stuff.

At first I struggled to make sense of the numbers in the circles. Surely there can't be 10,110 locations in a space the size of the SF Bay area? But yes, yes there are...
This is cool. One of the things I miss most after my trip to Japan is 7-Eleven/FamilyMart. So many nice snacks and drinks, and you never need to walk more than two minutes to find a store. I liked the onigiri a lot.
For anyone else whose only experience with Japanese convenience stores is the Yakuza games wondering which one Poppo is supposed to be:

> Poppo appears to be based on two of Japan's leading convenience store chains, Lawson and FamilyMart, as evidenced by most of the outlets in the series being placed in locations that correspond to branches in the real world.

> I noticed that my neighborhood is all Lawsons

There's a Lawson-heavy area about a twenty-minute walk from where I live in Yokohama. The three convenience stores closest to me, though, are 7-11. One reason for this clustering, I suspect, is deliveries. Convenience stores are carefully designed for logistical efficiency, and having stores close to each other must shave a bit off the distance traveled by delivery trucks.

You might consider adding Aeon My Basket stores to your map, too. They have sprouted up all over the Tokyo region in recent years. They are positioned as small supermarkets rather than kombini, but their size, locations, and product overlap with kombini puts them in competition with Lawson, 7-11, etc., too.

For those too afraid to ask, 'konbini' is short for 'kon-bi-ni-en-su-suto-a' which means 'convenience store'.
The Hotelling game seems related:

IIRC the conclusion is that it’s optimal for stores to be positioned at extremes relative to each other (e.g. at two ends of the city) but the socially optimal situation is actually for them to be positioned closer together.

    I noticed that my neighborhood is all Lawsons, so I got the location of all Conbinis and ran some basic analysis to see if these pockets of brand territory are common.
I wonder if that explains why neighborhoods end up mostly containing one kind of store? Other explanations might just be it’s simpler to stock your stores if they’re closer together.
This is really excellent UI.

One suggestion.

When zooming in, eventually the stores turn into a uniform blue dot. A light blue icon.

I'd like to see the individual icons keep the color of the convenience store when zoomed in.

Know the map color changes, but it isn't as obvious as the icon.

There is bit of a disjoint in how my eye is tracking the colors where some icons are still a color of the store, but some have turned blue.

Why do you write 'conbini' instead of 'konbini' in the usual romanization form?

For the todōfuken I would leave out the suffixes (mostly 'ken') in the English labels, except for Hokkaidō obviously.

Interesting! 7-Eleven, Family Mart and Lawson are all in Thailand too, but I think 7-Eleven is overwhelmingly dominant, eg on my street in a 100m radius there were three 7-Elevens to just one FM and one Lawson.

Update: some stats, it's not even close... ~200 Lawson in Thailand, ~200 Family Mart (now Tops Daily), and 14,000 7-Elevens. Guess I just spent a lot of time in places with Lawson and Family Mart. This also means the 7-Eleven population density is about the same in Japan and Thailand, around one per 5k people.

I need to see if I can modify this to finally make my ‘inaka or not’ map by determining the distance to the closest combini.

I can’t quite use this one as the radius for every store seems to be a bit large.

There used to be so much more variation in convenience store chains... you had Sunkus, Everyday, Cocos, Ai shop, Poplar and so on.

I think Daily Yamazaki is still hanging on in some places? Might have been interesting to add to this map since there are zero where I live but on road trips I'm surprised when I pass by somewhere where there are a lot of them

Love this! I just got back from Tokyo and was thinking something similar about what determined the density of which brands. Nice work!
From where did you get all the locations?

I’ve been wanting to plot that data for fun for a while.

The colors, while legible, are breaking my eyes. Other than that, great visualization. Fanastc work.
The legend or somewhere else on the page should show the aggregate circle percentages of Japan.
I appreciate that the map renders the regional name and character set of the territories
Thank you for doing this. TIL about Seicomart and its absolute dominance in Hokkaido
Where did you get the data?
Looks like a map of the Tokugawa bakufu