If anything, this tool tracks with my general opinion on sentiment analysis: it would be awesome if it actually worked, but most algorithms just predict everything as neutral.

For example if you search for bitwarden it ranks three comments as negative, all others as neutral. If I as a human look at actual comments about bitwarden [1] there are lots of comments about people using it and recommending it. As a human I would rate the sentiment as very positive, with some "negative" comments in between (that are really about specific situations where it's the wrong tool).

I've had some success using LLMs for sentiment analysis. An LLM can understand context and determine that in the given context "Bitwarden is the answer" is a glowing recommendation, not a neutral statement. But doing sentiment analysis that way eats a lot of resources, so I can't fault this tool for going with the more established approach that is incapable of making that leap.

1: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=pastMonth&page=0&prefix=tr...

I think this is actually one of the very first times I have seen neumorphic design in the wild.

Prior to this I’ve mostly only seen it on dribbble.

I actually like this style a lot, and I wish more apps would use it. But at this point I thought that this style was one that “came and went” before it saw any significant actual use in any apps or OSes. Maybe there is still hope after all :)

Edit: oh and I had to try asking your tool for sentiment about neumorphic design after this of course. It returned my own comment lol :p and it called it “neutral”. Is it only evaluating the first paragraph that the word appears in in the comment? (Also I guess other people more commonly refer to it as “neumorphism” than as “neumorphic design” and maybe that’s why when I asked it for neumorphic design it returned my own comment.)

I like the concept and the interface, but after trying one of the suggested examples, I'm not convinced this actually works?

I tried "remote work" like the initial instructions recommended as an example. The graph it gave me showed large spikes of "neutral" sentiment with a few negligible bouts of negative sentiment and even smaller bouts of positive sentiment. The sample comment it gave was from a "Who Wants to be Hired" post where the poster demanded exclusively remote offers, which the tool classified as "neutral" (with 98.7% confidence!)

Very slick tool, but if the sentiment analysis itself doesn't really work well then I don't see what value this could have.

Hmm, it thinks HN is neutral on crypto. Hmmmm.

Is it actually doing anything?

My biggest issue when I tried to analyze sentiments was that there is no practical way to bias for sarcasm, such as "it's great if you love pulling your hair out".
A month doesn't seem like a useful time frame? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the main use case.

Also, you could drastically improve styling on mobile. Lot of wasted space.

Seems pointless to go through all that effort to chart this over time, and have that time limited to..... a single month.

> you can track trends with it

No, no, you can't.

It would be really interesting to see, in the limit of this tech, how any given comment ranks on the group-think to contrarian scale for every comment you read. There are a lot of signals on HN about comment quality, like karma, account age, reputation of certain individual names, but this could be an interesting one. Wonder what kind of emergent behavior it would drive.
Idea: single number metric, something like, %-of-positive - %-of-negative avearaged over a time period.

So that we could compare terms based on this result metric: google vs microsoft, rust vs go, rust vs microsoft, etc

(Will not work for Go as it's a common word in addition to the programming language, but anyways)

Please link to the "Randomly sampled comment", there's an ellipsis but no way to actually read the comment?

I searched "apache" and the "randomly sampled comment" was a mystery:

> I think the author has a point with one-way doors slowing down the adoption of distributed systems. ...

I had to search google with that phrase to get the actual context. ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41363836 )

Which turned out to be about "Apache Beam" not the Http server.

Would be great if you added buttons like 'Show Positive Sentiment Example' 'Show Neutral Sentiment Example', and 'Show Negative Sentiment Example' to the chart that will show a randomly picked comment from Hacker News with one of those sentiments. It would really help in understand the source of the information and it would really prove that your info is genuine.
Instead of "linking" to a data:image URL, consider using a <map> and several <areas> to link to posts from the given time range like so: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateEnd=1726171200&dateRange=custom&...
Good tool to choose techologies. Java and Rust have mixed sentiment. For Brainfuck the positive coments clearly outweigh the negative ones.
Love the fact I didn't need to signup to get value out of this!

Note: I would suggest just removing dark mode for now. Works WAY better in light mode. I almost missed the light mode, and that would have been too bad.

Here's my user test: https://news.pub/?try=https://www.youtube.com/embed/2eac5XZe...

It’s great. Simple and works in 10 seconds. Only thing is I’d prefer to know sentiment over at least a year (defaults to just 1 month)

Still, great idea and execution

Surprisingly, according to you tool, HN is neutral on “web scraping”. I noticed others also reported bias for neutral on other keywords.
Exit vim - Sentiment: neutral (Confidence: 98.32%)

Stockholm Syndrome?

On mobile when I select the text input the whole page zooms so far in that I can’t see the submit button (or anything else for that matter).

Took me a minute to figure out what had happened, but I was able to submit a phrase. The response was

> Randomly sampled comment from the pulled data: Sorry, there was an error processing your message.

The sentiment of “fart” is neutral.
`Sorry, there was an error processing your message.` It got neutral for stuff I wasn't expecting to be neutral, it shows a frequency graph but sentiment range / variability might be worth showing.
Please, don't be funky with UI. Make it simple, without emboss design.
I searched for 'crypto' and noticed that most sentiments appear neutral, whereas I would expect negative sentiments to be higher. It might be an interesting case for you to test on your side.
Are there any terms that don't say "neutral" as the sentiment?
NFTs — neutral with 98% confidence. Hmm…

Also, it seems like putting in the same phrase twice generates different graphs and results at least sometimes. So it’s difficult to use comparatively.

it'd be great if I could turn off neutral, it's drowning out the positive and negative lines... for example Kubernetes... mostly neutral.
Out of curiosity, is the sentiment index weighted for up-voted threads and comments? Because those things are a kind of sentiment index too.
I searched Blockchain and it said "neutral". This is the sample comment it displayed:

> Ah yes, because blockchain is the 100% true source of ultimate truth.

The model can't detect sarcasm.

Cool idea. But as a red/green color blind person, I have no way to figure out what is positive/negative in the graphs.
Very cool until I downloaded the graph, went back to the main page, and Firefox Mobile crashed.
Nice idea, not sure it works though.. got neutral on all words I tried .. even beer
"I'd love your feedback on the tool's usefulness"

useless junk.

>> white board interviews


>>hobos in san francisco


>>accommodating my neurodivergence


>>is everyone I don't like hitler or just some people


Appears to be struggling from the hug of death.
Congrats on the launch, the idea sounds useful, the UI looks very intuitive and to the point. I like that I don’t have to log in and can try it immediately, big plus.

Bug report, I saw inaccurate results, I asked about “native apps” and I got negative sentiment. This is contrary to my experience, afaik HN loves them.

The example comment[1] quoted “non-native apps” and is part of the discussion where people say they don’t like non-native apps.

Edit: Then I asked about non-native apps, got sentiment “neutral” and this comment (the one I’m editing now) as the example. Very unexpected!

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41366882

Cute, love the idea! Would perhaps cut the examples to be substrings to avoid long comments that mention the issue in passing once, but that’s a personal preference. Either way, actually seeing the graph on mobile is wonky, and IMO the example is way less interesting than the graph — maybe make it bigger and more front n center?

Thanks for sharing :) TIL sentiment for “communism” is slightly less negative than for “capitalism” on here! Tho both are, surprisingly, mostly neutral.

Does not seem to work. Tried a few words including; Google, Apple, Microsoft and as final test ‘Genocide’. All seemed to return just ‘neutral’. The last one should have been definitely a negative sentiment.
RTO and Elon Musk are both overwhelmingly neutral sentiment? Seems unlikely.