While I welcome any efford towards open science, it's extremely frustrating that most of these effords are done by people with very little technical merit.

At best it's librarians with very little compsci background, at worst it's entrenched organisations trying to deepen their moat.

Many organisations in this space that burn through millions of funding each year, could individually be replaced by a hash-function, an ed25519 signature, or BitTorrent.

There are a few people that truly want to change things, even in the upper echelons, but they are stone-walled by a behemoth of public and academic mid-level bueraucrats that try to keep things as unchanging as possible.

For those interested, all researchers involved in projects or grants funded or co-funded by the European Commission (as well as staff of European Commission agencies) are eligible to publish. Only original research that hasn't been published and is not under consideration by another venue is eligible. See the list of eligible funding programmes on their site.[1]

For readers, all published articles will be available on Google Scholar and indexed in the standard bibDBs.

Of particular interest to me are the guidelines for submitting a Software Tool Article[2].

[1]: https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/about/eligibility/

[2]: https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/for-authors/articl...

Isn't this what Elixir was built for:


I wonder if research communities would be able to switch from publishers like ACM and Elsevier.