They're going to use MS Teams for combat operations? That's going to be a disaster.
I can't help but feel like the pentagon/DoD keeps making strategic mistakes with their focus on complex and expensive options. For example, the xbox controller is more successful in submarines and other military applications than costly and more complex custom solutions.

Further more, looking at history and modern warfare as is being demonstrated in Ukraine, things that you can sustainably manufacture at large scale without crippling your economy seem to be ideal. Things like cheap but deadly drones, lighter combat gear/pack,etc.. reliance on technology seems to be a liability at times.

I'm just being an arm-chair critic, but wouldn't it be better to let robots and drones do their own thing, while humans also be prepared to face off the enemy without relying on fancy tech? Imagine having to re-orient yourself in the middle of battle because your goggle crashed or ran out of battery or the enemy managed to hack the goggle and disorient your people.

sometimes words like "Teams" should be written like a verb... small first character.
These guys are big fan of LoTR! Andúril is the sword of Aragorn, the Flame of the West
> The Army may order as many as 121,000 of the devices contingent on a series of tests.

Wow! That will be a seriously large supply chain to protect...

Bloomberg done goofed up with that capital T in Teams. they "teamed up" with Microsoft. has nothing to do with Microsoft Teams.
It will be interesting to see how Lattice will compete against Palantir Gotham.
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