Why didn't Musk attempt the same when India and Turkey did their version of it? Is Brazil worse than them?

>In India, which is immersed in an autocratic drift that for months has been choking the media, journalists and critical voices, Twitter has also seconded government bans. To justify the consent, Musk said: “The rules in India for what can appear on social media are quite strict, and we can’t go beyond the laws of a country,” and in doing so put his staff at risk, he added. “If we have a choice of either our people going to prison or us complying with the laws, we will comply with the laws.” This justification came after Twitter removed content related to a BBC documentary that was highly critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which was blocked in January by the Indian government.


I know people are cheering Musk's breaking the law. They'll continue cheering until he's breaking their laws.
Being an alien he could be extradited if the judge deems so
Can't wait to see the blast radius if the judge decides to block CloudFlare