1d ago
I've regarded RabbitMQ as a secret weapon in plain sight for years. The killer reason people don't use it more is it "doesn't scale" to truly enormous sizes, but for anyone with less than a million users it's great.

Too many people end up with their own half rolled pubsub via things like grpc, and they'd be far better off using this, particularly in the early stages of development.

This release includes a new (native, no longer a plugin) AMQP 1.0 implementation, new quorum queue features, and a new schema data store (Khepri)
RabbitMQ is developed by VMware which was acquired by Broadcom. I hope they will remain unaffected.
RabbitMQ can also act as a native MQTT broker. For edge applications/devices, you can also use MQTT over websockets: https://www.rabbitmq.com/docs/web-mqtt

Edit: FWIW, NATS also supports MQTT: https://docs.nats.io/running-a-nats-service/configuration/mq...

I lost a lot of respect for the RabbitMQ maintainers when they refused to honor the semantic versioning scheme in package managers like nuget/maven/etc. "Safely upgrading" was impossible. 3.5 => 3.6 saw the removal of an argument.

They didn't lose my respect for the removal of the argument, however, they lost my respect for whatabouting the conversation calling SemVer a "no true scotsman" fallacy, then trying to claim that removing a redundant argument is not a breaking change, and other reality-warping nonsense, before blocking myself and other complainants from their issues - and even deleting some of their own comments to mop up some of their own terrible reasoning.

I'm sure there is no love lost on their side, either. Personal rant over.

Link without description or anything, nice. After reading the website for 30 seconds, my question would be: What is RabbitMQ?
interesting so there is no more free support for rabbitmq is what im seeing here for the most part.
For what reason should we move from SNS/SQS to RabbitMQ? Our SaaS processes ~20 events/second.
Would be keen to know if this passes Jepsen style tests now
Any pros/cons compared to EMQX, NanoMQ, or FlashMQ?
does celery work with this out of the box?
The linked github page gives me 404. But here are the release notes:
