How incredibly underwhelming. I guess this is the Copilot equivalent of "GPTs".

I really enjoy Copilot and got excited about new features for it but this does not at all seem useful and borderline dangerous/stupid.

> Deploy the latest release of the 'Frontend WebApp' project to the 'Production' environment

I'm sorry what? If someone doesn't know how to do that then they have no business running (or worse yet letting a LLM run) a command like that.

Something like "Respect my ESLint/prettier/<insert linting tool here> settings when generating code" would be useful but these extensions all seem next to useless. I don't want to chat about my Jira tickets in my IDE, I want to write code. I'll go to Jira to look at tickets, I don't want to have to second-guess everything the LLM spits out and somehow I think "Well the LLM said that's what the ticket said to do" isn't quite going to cut it.

I still think Copilot is the best option for "code completion++" but this offering seems like a whole lot of nothing.

GitHub CoPilot has lost the war to Cursor.