3d ago
This paragraph is the key:

> The QUERY method provides a solution that spans the gap between the use of GET and POST. As with POST, the input to the query operation is passed along within the content of the request rather than as part of the request URI. Unlike POST, however, the method is explicitly safe and idempotent, allowing functions like caching and automatic retries to operate.

I was just working with OpenSearch's API recently, who sort of abuse the semantics of the HTTP spec by using GETs with a body to perform search queries, largely to solve a similar problem. A "QUERY" message type would probably easily replace the GET with a body used by OpenSearch etc. I'd go as far as to argue thats largely what this new QUERY type is - official recognition for a "GET" request with a body.


I don't like using the body. GET's are easily shareable, bookmarkeable, etc, (even editable by humans). etc. thans to query strings. I rather have a GET with better (shorter) serialization for parameters and a standarized max-length of 16k or something like that.
I can't stop thinking how HTTP REST is just an abuse on the original design of HTTP and the whole thing of using HTTP verbs to add meaning to requests is not a very good abstraction for RPC calls.

The web evolved from being a tool to access documents on directories to this whole apps in the cloud thing and we kept using the same tree abstraction to sync state to the server, which doesn't make a lot of sense in lots of places.

Maybe we need a better abstraction to begin with, something like discoverable native RPCs using a protocol designed for it like thrift or grpc.

Looks interesting. Sadly it will likely be hamstring by CORS rules. When designing an API, I frequently send all non-GET requests as POSTs with content type text/plain in order for them to classify as simple requests and avoid CORS preflights, which add an entire round trip per request. Obviously only safe if you're doing proper authorization with a token or something. Another fun bit is that you have to put the token in the query string, going against best practices for things like OAuth2, because the Authorization header isn't CORS approved. CORS enforcement is an abomination.
it looks great. Covering a few pain points in modelling APIs when you need to retrieve data idempotently but the URL is not identifying a specific resource, ie, "The content returned in response to a QUERY cannot be assumed to be a representation of the resource identified by the target URI".

This is a "work in progress". Is there any estimation of when it will be finalized by? Something like during 2025, and frameworks/libraries starting to support it by something like 2026? Just to have a reference, anyone remember how long it took for PATCH?

> When doing so, caches SHOULD first normalize request content to remove semantically insignificant differences, thereby improving cache efficiency, by: [...]

That part sounds like it's asking for trouble. I'm curious if this will make it to the final draft. If the client mis-identifies which parts of the request body are semantically insignificant, the result would be immediate cache poisoning and fun hard-to-debug bugs.

If it's meant as a "MAY", then that seems kind of meaningless: If the client for some reason knows that one particular aspect of the request body is insignificant, it could just generate request bodies that are normalized in the first place..?

There is currently no way to determine whether there's, for example, an application/json representation of a URL that returns text/html by default.

OPTIONS and PROPFIND don't get it.

There should be an HTTP method (or a .well-known url path prefix) to query and list every Content-Type available for a given URL.

From :

> So, given the current web standards, it's still not possible to determine what's lurking behind a URL given the correct headers? Seems like that could've been the first task for structured data on the internet


Why an HTTP Get Request Shouldn’t Have a Body - - July 2024

For taking advantage of `Cache-Control` don't we need the URI to be unique? For eg. /Contacts?id=abcd with graphql query in the body? the id can be a hash/signature of query string?
Can be useful for some APIs.

The use-case 4.2 with both Content-Location and Location feels weird to me. Not sure you would want multiple urls with different meanings. Isn't it harder to keep it idempotent if we are generating URLs for request and result? Not sure Location is generally meaningful in 200... that may impact other RFC.

Could be interesting to see a sample where query is created but result will be available later. That's probably just the 303 See Other with a Retry-After?

Years ago, I had an interview question that was essentially "model a restful query API." I'm not sure if it was the gotcha or that it was a bad question, but rest isn't a good fit. GET lacking a request body doesn't help, and except for long-running queries, modeling things as resources doesn't work. You can either design an API that isn't very restful or do confusing things to squeeze it into that box.
So, QUERY is a POST but with GET semantics?

Sounds like GraphQL won.

So basically a GET with a request body, with the query as the request body rather than as URI local-part query-parameters.
The first example shows a GET request and states that it is "common and interoperable query". But that "if the query parameters extend to several kilobytes or more of data it may not be, because many implementations place limits on their size".

So how about simply removing those limits on GET requests?

I often find myself creating endpoints like `POST /<resource>/query`, which should absolutely be a GET if they could have bodies. Why add yet more to the web specs when we could get rid of the "no body" exception on GET?
I wonder how caching will work when the body has the potential to be huge? You could hash it to save on RAM, but I imagine that would get "expensive" at scale.
IETF 2029: The HTTP ASK Method

IETF 2034: The HTTP TELLME Method

IETF 2038: The HTTP WHATIF Method

A simple query with a direct response:

    QUERY /contacts HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: example/query
    Accept: text/csv
    select surname, givenname, email limit 10
Not quite full SQL (no JOIN or WHERE in any examples I see)

Hmm... as long as you handle authentication/authorization correctly, why is it bad?

It's a way to pluck certain JSON fields that were otherwise going to be returned? Kind of like one of the benefits of GraphQL? Will this catch on?