I think it's interesting how people do sometimes complain about the echo chamber, tumbleweeds of moving from one 'so big it's infinity' space, to another one which is a smaller 'so big it's infinity' yet still immeasurably larger than your normal circuit.

Yes, your favourite filmstar you follow isn't there. Yes, nor are 10 people you know. But you know what? nine million, nine hundred thousand, nine hundred and eighty-eight other people are there. If you're bored, why not reach out and say hello to every one of them? (not yourself: that would be wierd)

I had a brief period 3 decades ago where on some electronic fabric (I forget which) I was contacted by random coders in Peru, to try and help debug a problem. I have no idea who these guys were, but we established a basis to communicate for a while. I think thats a lot cooler than Justin Bieber's latest tattoo drop.

I think it's like "but is he the one" -the belief there is only one, only one group, only one fabric to talk to people, only one way, is .. well it's silly. There are lots of ways to talk to people.

For context (if you’re wondering why that post is written in both English and Brazilian Portuguese), Twitter/X is currently blocked in Brazil [1], which prompted users to massively flock to Bluesky’s main frontend,


The Mastodon User Count account suggests there are 15M accounts on Mastodon:

    Mastodon Users
    @[email protected]

    15,438,893 accounts 
    +209 in the last hour
    +2,542 in the last day
    +20,162 in the last week

    Sep 15, 2024, 21:00
Of course there are differences ... I would be pleased to hear first hand descriptions of them

EDIT: I hereby withdraw everything I said about BSky. Based on the replies, clearly I'm completely wrong. I apologise for all inaccuracies.

Maybe I should use this instead of Threads. I had an account there, 'deepsleepcountsheep' and then it randomly got banned/turned off and it keeps asking me to prove my identify. I submitted my state drivers license but apparently they can't use that? Insane honestly, not really sure what triggered it, maybe the icloud private relay?

Anyways, I think I'll try either this or mastodon.

At some point some "serious" accounts need to take these emerging new decentralized social media seriously and setup shop there.

You cant claim any sort of moral integrity when you engage with your audience on platforms that treat them as product.

Netflix should make a documentary on why people in this modern day and age still gravitate towards Twitter-esque social media platforms. It has been shown over and over that they make people less happy, less productive, more stressed and (ironically) less social.
It's been really fun seeing the growth over the last year. Tons of people and fun/interesting posts. Feels like the early days of Twitter.
Does anybody else at this point want to mostly stop posting on async text-based services anyways?

Honestly, I'd rather just hang out on Google Meet all day and chill with a handful of besties. We can still all share our thoughts and other things we find interesting on the web, but if we're gonna all be terminally online, we might as well at least bring as much of the human experience back into it as we can.

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Bluesky is a VC-funded corporate network that expects return on investment while saying it is open. Up until the present date that same company made it difficult for anyone to run their own server, only permitting to self-host their own data rather than the promoted decentralized open data:

It also restricts anyone from adding their algorithms or even create new clients to access the data. It is a _defacto_ walled garden that somehow gets promoted on mainstream media. The same media that largely ignored open platforms, or when mentioning them has adopted a negative tone. That media has forgot that the same brazilian person they called names is now living in a country under effective control with walled gardens:

The same ignored Nostr counts today with +700 volunteer-based servers that are decentralized and permit anyone, anywhere, to publish their own texts:

HN, it is time to make a stand if you want to keep the internet free.

It would be nice to also know seven-day actives on BlueSky, but I don’t know where to look or where to ask.
Seeing this submission just reminded me that there are a number of X alternatives growing at the moment. Of the alternatives are there any that you use and recommend?
How does it pay its costs?
>If you're bored, why not reach out and say hello to every one of them?

Because that's not how social media works and you know it. People want to connect with people they know either personally or via media.

The majority of Brazilian users aren't using it by choice.

Using social media shouldn't be some philanthropic effort, that's how you end up with the desktop Linux. Linux is successful because it made all those commercial Unix vendors obsolete, what does Blue Sky or any of these fediverse things have to offer other than a refugee camp? They don't have important users, therefore they havent made Twitter obsolete.

And what are the daily active users ?
How many bots?
Before it could load I hit back. Honest feedback.
Wow, so low. That explains why its still a ghost own compared to xitter.