Seems pretty cool. The electric boat had to charge 3 times making the trip cost €50 (although not every marina charges for power) the chase boat had to stop 6 times and refuel cost at a cost of €750.

The hydrofoil had a smoother ride, but the upfront cost seems to be $400k. Reviews also seem to indicate that it is computer limited to 31 mph. That is probably for safety reasons and I suspect on the water that feels plenty fast.

I think these would play well in the SF bay. Wouldn’t be bad to skip the traffic on 101. Google had a ferry from SF to Mountain View for a while. It was epic. They canceled it due to the program leaking and some idiot protesters complaining that tech workers shouldn’t exist or something like that.

I wish someone would tell Candela that playing jazzy music over every video prevents us from hearing how quiet the boats are. I tried five of their videos and gave up.