The Ironic part being that the COBOL in that example is completely wrong and non-functional.



When the syntax, which is similar to natural language is:

    elementary-var IN|OF group-var

It is a good example if you want to prove to people that they are a bad idea.

I prefer to use these tools as a form of red/green/refactor workflow, where I don't use them in the refactor step or the test case step.

DSLs are not dead.

I have had the opposite experience. For complex tasks, LLMs fail in subtle ways which requires inspection of its output: essentially “declarative” to “imperative” is bug ridden.

My trick has been to create DSLs (I call them primitives) that are loaded as context before I make declarative incantations to the LLM.

These micro-languages reduce the error space dramatically and allow for more user-friendly and high-level interactions with the LLM.

My opinion on this whole "using LLMs as a programming language" thing is described nicely by this comic: https://www.commitstrip.com/en/2016/08/25/a-very-comprehensi...

> Do you know the industry term for a project specification that is comprehensive and precise enough to generate a program?

> Code, it's called code.

Interesting that they used COBOL as the example language - COBOL was itself an attempt to do the same thing. It was thought that ordinary businessfolk could create programs without "learning to code" because COBOL is so close to English. That didn't work out well.

As any software dev knows, the problem is not the language. The problem is that the vague musings of an "ideas guy" cannot be turned into an actual program without a lot of guesswork, refinement, clarification, "filling-in", and outright lying. The required understanding and precision of description is just not that far from the understanding and precision required to write the code.

This is not declarative programming, it's codegen. Codegen has its place, but it does not have the most important property of declarative interfaces: that the implementation can improve without altering the code.

As others have pointed out, natural language is often insufficient to describe precisely the operations that you want. Declarative programming solves this with specialized syntax; AI codegen solves this by guessing at what you left out, and then giving you specific imperative code that may or may not do what you want. Personally, I'll be investing my time and resources into the former.

I recently has a consulting gig (medical informatics) that required English Declarative -> Imperative code. Direct code generation by the LLM turned out to be buggy so I added an intermediate DSL implemented in Prolog! The prompt described the Prolog predicates it had to work with and their semantics and the declarative goal. The resulting (highly accurate and bug free) Prolog code was then executed to generate the conventional (Groovy) imperative code that was then executed dynamically. In some hand-wavy way the logical constraints of using Prolog as an intermediate DSL seemed to keep the LLM on the straight and narrow.
I've been developing a programming language that does this, the repo can be found here https://github.com/plangHQ

Here is a code example

  - read file.txt in %content%
  - set %content.updated% as %now%
  - write %content% to file.txt
I call this intent based programming. There isn't a strict syntax (there are few rules), the developer creates a Goal (think function) and writes steps (start with -) to solve the goal

I've been using it for clients with very good results, and from the 9 months I've been able to build code using it, the experience has shown far less code needs to be written and you see the project from different perspective.

That’s a fascinating direction to explore. It turns out that translating instructions into AI/ML tasks and wrapping it with Python code is easy to build [0]. It starts with LLM decididing what type of task should be performed, then there’s a search over Hugging Face catalog, inference on a model (picked by heuristics) with Inference Endpoints and parsing the output to most relevant Python type [1]

[0] https://github.com/jmaczan/text-to-ml

[1] Page four - https://pagedout.institute/download/PagedOut_004_beta1.pdf#p...

> Not only does AI eliminate the need for developing a custom DSL, as your DSL now is just plain language

Plain language is not precise enough.

Declarative programming has a specific meaning, which is that you declare the contents of the end state, and allow the code/run-time to compute the work necessary to reach that end state. This can include synchronizing changes, scheduling transition animations, and so on. It's about avoiding O(n^2) lines of code to manage O(n^2) possible state transitions.

The idea that "I tell the AI what I want, and it writes the code for me!" is "declarative programming" is so wrong it's almost comical... except that it's yet another instance of the LLM-idiots confusing their lack of knowledge with not needing to know or understand it. In the process the term "declarative programming" as a concept may end up flushed down the shitter.

A while ago I created a very simple AI tool that lets you write any kind of pseudocode you like, and then choose a language to convert it into. I didn't do much with it, but I like that style better because at least you can verify and correct the output.

For instance:

  // pseudocode input
    for each i in count
      if divisible by 3, print 'fizz'
      if divisible by 5, print 'buzz'
      if both, print 'fizz buzz'

  // rust output
  fn fizz_buzz(count: i32) {
    for i in 1..=count {
      match (i % 3, i % 5) {
        (0, 0) => println!("fizz buzz"),
        (0, _) => println!("fizz"),
        (_, 0) => println!("buzz"),
        _ => println!("{}", i),
I would make one small change to the author's analogies of imperative versus declarative and one small change to their description of LLMs for declarative programming.

First, on imperative versus declarative. I would describe imperative as "giving a list of instructions to follow". The words "instruction" and "direction" are largely synonyms in my mind and the difference may be subtler than the original words they are trying to describe. Instead, I would say that declarative programming gives "a goal and a set of constraints". We describe what we want, not how to get it. A large part of describing what we want is by describing what we don't want or can't do.

On using LLMs for declarative programming, I assert that we already do this. Prompt engineering is all about defining a set of constraints on the LLMs response. The goal is often within the system prompt: answer the user's question given the context. The user's request is just one of many constraints on the answer.

This declaration in the form of constraints is a direct result of the fact that LLMs operate on conditional probabilities. An LLM chooses each token by taking the list of all possible tokens and their a priori probabilities and conditioning those on the tokens that preceded it. By prefacing the generated output with a list of tokens describing constraints, we condition the LLMs generation to fit those constraints. The generated text is the result of applying the constraints to the space of all possible outcomes.

As we know, this isn't perfect. Most declarative languages and their engines use strict logic to limit the generated solutions, whereas LLMs are probabilistic. The constraints aren't specified in concrete terms but as a set of arbitrary tokens whose influence on the generated output is based on frequency of occurrence within a corpus of text rather than any logical rules.

Still, the fact that the generated output is the result of conditioning based on a set of tokens provided by the user means that it uses constraints to determine an outcome that fits those constraints, which is exactly how we solve a problem based on a declarative description.

I strongly believe that using these systems as a programming interface is a very bad pattern. They are the ultimate leaky abstraction.
Software specification documents will, as they say, rise in status. The kind of specification outlined in this article misses the mark–why would we use anything but actual natural language? That said, there will be real returns to structuring specifications so that they are actionable and easy to navigate to achieve context, both kinds.
I'm experimenting with something like that, to allow creating a web API from some descriptions in markdown. https://github.com/lfarroco/verbo-lang
It's amazing how despite the fact that LLMs can be really useful and transformative for certain things, people like this insist on trying to convince you that they're useful and transformative for something that they're simply shit at doing.
While interesting, this still can't account for domain expertise and system design decisions - you can't assume every character / line / function / method typed is just "correct" and exactly what you'll need. There are 1000s of ways to do both the wrong and right thing in software.

The real problem always comes back to the fact that the LLM cant just make code appear out of nowhere, it needs _your_ prompt (or at least code in the context window) to know what code to write. If you can't exactly describe the requirements - or what is increasingly happening - _know_ the actual technical descriptions for what you are trying to accomplish, its kinda like having a giant hammer with no nail to hit. I'm worried of a sort of future where we sort of program ourselves into a circle, all programs starting to look the same simply because the original "hardcore" or "forgotten" patterns and strategies of software design "just don't need to be taught anymore". In other words, people getting things to work but having no idea how they work. Yes I get the whole "most people dont know how cars work but use them", but as a software engineer not really knowing how the actual source code itself works? It feels strange and probably ultimately the wrong direction.

I also think the entire idea of a fully automated feature build / test / deploy AI system is just impossible... the complexity of such a landscape is just too large to automate with some sort of token generator. AGI, if course, but LLMs are so far from AGI it's laughable.

Interesting idea. This could be used to create new datasets and benchmarks, but I doubt that anyone is going to use this to build production ready apps.