> Since the state is stored in a multi-level Bloom Filter style data structure, the memory needed is constant and does not scale with the number of clients.

Constant memory, but those hashes will take up CPU cycles. If you're running a workload that completes sub 20 milliseconds, these cycles spent hashing may not be worth it over, say, a constant-time admission control like token bucket.

Does anyone have some real-world use cases for something like this? The algorithm is cool but I'm struggling to see where this is applicable.
Very interesting and looking forward to trying this. I am a big fan of SFB for this type of stuff but haven't seen anything in distributed space that's beyond a science project. Would be great if I can use it on my 10k+ user web site.
I coded up something like Fair a couple 1-2 years ago: https://github.com/JensRantil/conc It's alpha software, but maybe interesting to someone don't know.
Shouldn’t this be built into a queue somehow? I’d love to see a queuing solution like SQS but has a built in fairness, where you can fully utilize a capacity but as soon as, let’s say customers compete on resources, some fairness kicks in. Is there anything like that?
Why would you learn and use this over typical load-balancing solutions like K8S? Honest question.
Extremely interesting and valuable