> Norwegians pay higher taxes on cars they purchase that pollute, and lower ones on low and zero-emission cars. The country also taxes bigger cars more than smaller ones. EV drivers often pay lower parking fees and can use bus lanes, too.

The first two sentences make sense! Not the last one though. After driving an EV for a few thousand miles, ive realized they are so superior to ICE for my use case. I hate driving ICE vehicles in the occasions I still do now.

Americans can get a used Nissan Leaf for $10-$20k and it would accommodate virtually any daily commute plus side trips without ever spending a dollar on gas. I continue to be baffled year after year as to why more Americans don't go that route. At least those with detached homes or otherwise easy access to charging.

If nothing else, the fact that most Americans don't by a cheap EV as a second car (assuming they have need of one) is particularly baffling.

A few cool things I like about norway

- they fed money from their oil into their sovereign fund, which invests in clean energy, so they invest in what they want more of

- they tax what they want less of

The government essentially makes it unreasonable to buy any other type of car. Also gotta love that sweet sweet North Sea oil. So what happens to all that oil? I am sure it only emits lollipops and unicorns when it is burned.
Must be a country where most trips are relatively short. ( a few 100 KMs or less ). A longer trip of a few 1000 KMs would need to stop for recharging several times.
> Norway has a slew of incentives in place that encourage residents to buy electric vehicles instead of gas cars.

They have been slowly taken out.

Does Norway allow Chinese car makers into the market? Skoda is popular but I wish the article also mentioned the median value of an EV in Norway.

At least in the US, the cost of acquiring an EV is the major deterrent from what I can see. If you live in a city and you want to just get a cheap EV for under $25k for your typical commute, there's just no option in the US!

How many cars sold are new? How many owners have garages for charging?
So the only way to push all people to buy EV right now is… distort the market with taxes on combustion engine vehicles.
Are their cities quieter as a result?