Cool to see how swift wire payments works in practice, but using JS floating point numbers for money amounts is a disaster waiting to happen
Hey HackerNews,

I published a few weeks ago, and I was incredibly surprised by the overwhelming traction it received. I wanted to share more about some payments fundamentals that engineers might need in order to run this package - specifically, how sending these types of bank payments actually works.

> you will need to configure the bank to allow for direct transmission. This is a process that your bank will need to complete with you.

How easy is this process? Are all banks required to provide such a service? How about countries outside the USA

But sending the transaction is just ONE part of the ISO. There are a lot of other different messages that are part of the standard:
This is cool; I'd love to hear more about how the actual transfer of money works e.g clearing, r-transactions and so on if you're looking for a follow up blog ;)
Nice article! It's always interesting to look behind the scenes of payment infrastructure.

BTW, when I tried the interactive demo [1] I noticed that it appended "undefined" to the end of the generated XML. Happens both in Firefox and Chrome, so it doesn't seem to be a browser quirk.


nit: it’s been called ‘Swift’ for a while, not ‘SWIFT’.