I'm building a language learning app based on podcasts and I used "The Podcast Index" first but, as I understand, The Podcast Index is not currently scraping Apple and many of the podcasts in their index are dead. For better or worse Apple podcasts is the "de facto" index of podcasts, so I had to build my own podcast index based on itunes data.

You can see a comparison of the different indexes (indices?) at

The restriction against allowing @gmail accounts to sign up is kind of insane.
What kinds of, well, censorship, is applied to the platform for a lack of a better word?

Maybe I wasn't able to scan the Terms of Service well enough, since I didn't see it defined there? They mention they can remove content there, but not why they would.

4 million podcasts. That's an order of magnitude more than I'd have guessed. A quick search shows other sources estimating 5 million.
There are some great docs here for using the API:
Really like what the Podcast Index is doing, especially with pushing Podcasting 2.0 ( and value for value! Just wish I could do v4v in currencies other than Bitcoin.
Not really that useful if I can't sort based on last publication, nor see how many episodes a given podcast has published when searching.
I love podcasts but discoverability is simply awful on Apple Podcasts, not to mention the rampant enshittification. What's better in their list of apps?