> it was another year they unfortunately operated in the red funding wise.

As Arnt point's point's out, this was not unfortunate. It was intentional, necessary and calculated. See the report itself (


> Our annual income for 2023 came in just slightly below our projections, with a small difference of less than 500€.

This is a nonissue.

One of the KDE devs replied to this getting posted on Reddit (

"It was intended to run at a loss this year.

We had loads of money from donations that wasn't spent on travel during the pandemic. This has been the case for a few years, we're a non profit, we're not allowed to have huge surpluses in the bank by eV laws.

Now we are deliberately over spending with developer hires, we will long term have to build donations to sustain that new level but it's not a problematic situation."

So... Where did they get the money that they spent then?