What's the state of nginx nowadays? Last I heard the original core team had fractured and formed two different forks while F5 continued to develop OG nginx, so there's three nginxes being developed in parallel now. Have the forks gained any traction?
Recently, I was browsing an open source project I use a lot. "Sign in to search code on GitHub" was kinda discouraging to see.

Sure, I can clone it and run grep/ripgrep - but sometimes I like the ability to search the code on the browser.

Is it only GitHub where this is a restriction or GitLab is similar?

Centralise all the things.

There is too much stuff of GitHub. From a resiliency point of view and from a monopoly point of view this is bad.

I think it would've been a better choice to move to something they host like gitea or gitlab. nonetheless it's a step in the right direction, nobody should use mail+git in this day and age.
Help me understand: they just migrated and already have 21k stars?
I wonder how the interim process is handled? They're accepting mailing list updates until the end of the year.

Does someone take the mailing list updates and manually PR them into Github? I've never actually used a mailing list so I'm curious how it works.

> Most of all, we can't wait to see all of your contributions, discussions and feedback, as we move into this next chapter for NGINX.

The real economic reason to open source part of your product.

does anyone use mercurial anymore?
Is the dream of hg dead? It feels like everyone has "solved" the git-is-complicated problem by using essentially gui webtools to deal with it, but the point of the hg people was to make a tool that is simpler on the surface than git.
I loved the tech design of Nginx when it came out. However eventually its Russian provenance became too risky for my use cases. Plus I began a moral boycott of all things Russian... where I can easily enough anyway. Plenty of other choices now for web servers compared to late 90s or early 2000s.
I think it's disappointing that the default toolchain for collaborating on free and open source software includes GitHub which is very much not free and open source, and is backed by Microsoft which has a mixed history in regards to it's relationship with open source software.
wow! about time... weren't they using mercurial for the longest time too?
Sad day for everyone, but it was probably inevitable with the original devs gone and the project managed by suit-types. No one gets fired for buying Microsoft and all that.