QGridLayout is my go-to for applications. I like how it allows a responsive design when resizing. Most of my desktop apps are for simplifying tasks that my coworkers and me are doing, so no one's expecting the most professional look and Qt has gotten the job done.

Have you used Qt Creator? Once I started using this, my app development started flying because I didn't have to edit, run program, edit again. Just drag and drop widgets around, its very nice.

I'm curious why you chose Qt Widgets for a relatively new application? Is desktop support that much better than QML?

There's a bunch of tradeoffs for everyone who has to make that choice and it's always interesting to know why people choose the one that they do.

I’d love to see an article on Qt text layout processing.
Managing widget size and layout in complex UIs is definitely one of the more challenging aspects of programming with Qt. But you usually get what you want with a bit of trial and error.
Only one picture?