The end goal in this series is to use an FPGA to build a display adapter, I've gotten a Tang Mega 138k [0] to start the process but there is not a lot of documentation, so it is taking a while

If you got recommendations for other (cheap) FPGA boards with PCI-e hard IP, do let me know.


This seems like a great intro to Linux PCIe device drivers. I've never worked with Linux device drivers but have worked with multiple PCIe drivers on a different operating system years ago, and the concepts look very familiar. Love to see more of this type of content in the world.
I really, really like the way these articles flow, with just enough code to illustrate their point, and a gradual build. This is good stuff. I have never in my life wanted to make a new PCI device, but now I kind of do, which is like the acid test for good technical writing, right?
thanks so much for writing these. they are really informative and practical in an area this seems really rare in. so handy! exactly what i was needing to create some dev/playtest environment for my project without knowing how to even search for it.

also like a lot the other 2 parts. many practical things like how to use some of your bootsvc driver stuff after u exit them, busmastering, msi-x stuff. tons of little nice details and super useful