This is exciting news! Though, there is more than just the math that needs to be done here. Namely, mathematicians not only need to formalize a concise language to bridge the gap with modern conformal field theory, but they will also need a way to understand the computability of models based on this system. And yet, there is also the human factor: namely, there needs to be an effort to sell this paradigm to existing theorists, which will require substantial effort.
I'm curious what applications there might be if any in number theory. If I recall, langlands had motivations from string theory concepts which ultimately wasn't as successful as hoped in physics.
Article and interspersed visuals were a pleasant learning experience. I'm not caught up on mathematics as much as I'd like to be..
Is there a machine-verifiable version ?

I mean ... 800 pages, I'd say the benefit of the doubt applies.

How do people even find the time to work on this stuff without being distracted by life, family, and everything else? I think this is why so many of these people are in Europe. America is too chaotic and full of obligations and distractions to do serious academic work.