In my experience these kind of companies attract either juniors or people who cannot afford to work for a 100% remote company (because they cannot pass the interview). It’s like the Nigerian prince scam: the emails are written badly on purpose because they are targeted to those people who won’t realise about the nature of the scam.
Depending on the company, if they are relatively large employer their recruitment system may be a limiting factor.

The other issue might be budget, again if the company is large budgets may be aligned to a spec or team location or hub. At this point in time a role might be 100% WFH but also for team f2f meetings/gatherings etc it might be more difficult to organise if WFH is across a large country instead of a city and its satellite towns.

>It's like these companies think gaming the system will magically stop employees from reading job adverts.

OTOH, they might want you to read loads of them until you are blue in the face and see how unlikely it is :(

It's really a matter of "sales funnel". If they put "remote", more people will click on the job listing and they will get more applicants
I suspect the blame lies with Seek not wanting to have an embarrassing short list of full WFH jobs show up so they include hybrid.